Hermit Crabs Shell


Ok...my hermit crap has molted again, but this time he burried his exoskeleton in the corner of the tank...and he has been sitting there for a bit like its a grave sit. Is there something special that he is doing, am I supposed to take this as a sign?? Ive decided to get him another shell because i think that he has outgrown his current one..but i dont know where to get a nice shell. Any suggestions.... and any help on what him burrying his in the corner would be great!!!! Thanks :)


I wouldn't worry about the molting. Just go to your Local Fish Store and they should have some vacant shells for you....should only cost a buck or so.


I have heard that sometimes they will eat their exo-skeleton to replenish their calcium needs......
I went to Target and bought a jar of shells for around $3, what's nice about it is that there are various sizes, and the shells aren't varnished, painted or anything. This was in their garden center.
I threw a handful in the 40g for the hermits and they have all switched shells (except for one) since I have done that.