hermit crabs


I picked up a few hermit crabs in the Gulf of Mexico by Biloxi this past week. Does anyone think it would be a problem to put them in my aggressive tank with a Niger and Blue jaw? I have had a few bluelegs in there for a long time. I am not worried too much about the hermits but my wife thinks they might hurt the fish. I told her I didn't think it was very likely but you never know.


One of them is pretty big. Not as big as the fish though. The biggest one is probably the size of a golf ball. That is the crab only, the shell is much larger. I have never seen a hermit this big. He is really cool.


I dunno... I guess it just depends on how big your fish is. I think I would be more worried about the hermit getting your fish than the fish getting the hermit. A golfball sized crab is pretty big.