hermit crabs


My tank has been going for a month and half now.
I have had five green chromis,fire shrimp and two emerald crabs in the for a month all are well. the shrimp has molted twice. A week and a half ago I added 30 snails, ten scarlet reef hermits and a maroon clown. Over the last two days four of the hermits died. I can't figure out why. my levels are amm 0, trites 0 and trates 5. The tank seems to be maturing nicely. Over the last couple of days I have noticed feather duster popping out of the rock and copepods all over. Anyone have ideas as to why they might be dieing?


Active Member
Are you finding hermit remains on the substrate or dead crabs still in their shells ?
Could be just the molted carcass, or indeed dead ones.
What size tank ?
Any other details would be helpful.


I am finding the whole crab laying on the sand,out of the shell, untouched by anything. I have taken them out of the tank it is the actual crab. I have a 180gallon tank with a 4" DSB and 90 pounds of live rock(still adding rock as I find peices I like).
Any ideas??


Active Member
So you should have 4 empty shells on the sand or in the rockwork. Have you been able to locate the empties ? Or did you add additional shells for the crabs to use ???
Not sure about this - I've lost a crab or two before, but not 4 at one time.
Forgive for asking - but did you acclimate them according to some instructions ? I know inverts, crabs and snails are really at risk when introduced to a different set of water parameters - especially the salinity.
Sorry - can't be of much more assistance - maybe someone has gone through this and will reply.

sinner's girl

This might be a stupid question but did you have emtpy shells for them to move into? it's possible they needed bigger shells and killed each other or died from not having a bigger shell. I know ours love to play musical shells.
~My two cents.


I did add a bunch of empty shells so I am not sure which are which.
I did acclimate them by instructions I found online. I don't think it was that since all the snails are doing well.
Thanks for trying. I hope they stop dropping.


Not to sound like a broken record, but are you sure they were dead? Like stated above you should a lot of emepty shells. When they molt it does look like a dead crab. :) Mine also seem to molt along with the hermits.
The first time mine molted, I just knew it was dead. I went as far as called my LFS and asked what could have happened? I then picked up his shell, and sure enough their was my hermit crab alive and good.
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