hermit crabs


Active Member
a while back i went to my LFS store and i asked the lady for 2 hermit crabs and she asked me what kind of fish i had, i told her i had a clowfish and she told me i shouldnt get a hermit crab. she said they would actually get the clwonfish when it comes near them and eat him. is that true? i think it was a blue legged hermit crab


Active Member
Was it just a little crab, like a cleanup crew crab? If so, that's not true. I have hermits in all my tanks, including a seahorse tank, and they don't bother the fish.


If that is the max size of the hermit, you should be fine. I have blue leg and scarlet hermits and they don't bother any of my fish. They don't even bother my little neon goby.