Hermit Crabs


I've started to add a clean-up crew to my saltwater tank. I've noticed that my scarlets aren't doing much of anything. They just hang out on the live rock and hide in their shell. Is there a reason for this or is this how they usually behave?


Active Member
I just acclimated mine yesterday and as soon as I set each one on the sand they came ot and started eating immediatelty. I watched them for a while and went to eat dinner myself. When I came back they were mostly in their shells probably resting. this morning they were out and about exploring and eating. If you acclimated them properly they should come right out. If they are not out they me be stressed a bit from the changes but I am not for sure on that.


i only have 2, because i wasnt sure if they would make it in an agressive tank. Everytime I say well, looks like they are gone......I see one. Ive seen the same one 4 times and was just about to say we only have 1, and we found him yesterday. LOL
Its been 4 months.......... Good luck :happyfish