Hermit Crabs?


I have a 29 gal. tank that I have been running for a little bit. I have some brown algee started to form on the bottom, so I read that I need to get some crabs or snails. How many crabs should I get for my tank?
Also right now I have some demsels, percula clown, and a white sebae anemone, what else would be ok to put in the tank with these? Fish and anemones?


Active Member
If you go to "reef packages" on this site (to your left side of the screen) it will give you a good idea of a clean up crew for your size tank. As for what coral and anemones you can get you have to tell us what lighting you have. Someone else can help you with that though.


Active Member
In my experience, Zebra and Scarlett Leg hermits do the best job on brown algae. I'd say a dozen or so.


Active Member
I'd start with small numbers of crabs and snails and add more later if you need them. With MH lighting and good flow you should be able to keep lps, sps, and soft corals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JPardi
Sorry to sound stupid, but what is "lps" and "sps"
Really new here
Google search them as there are many species and each has different requirements. SPS- small polyp stony and LPS- large polyp stony.