hermit help


New Member
is it normal for a hermit crab to eat my horseshoe crab? and are my peppermint shrimp destined for the same fate? Also what are you supposed to normally feed a hermit crab?


How big is the hermit? If he's too big, he could possibly eat your peppermints. I don't see a hermit eating a horseshoe crab unless it was dieing to begin with... How is your water quality lookin? (ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates) :D


Active Member
hermit crabs also like to grab fish :eek:, ive seen one grab a mandarin gobie, lets say the mandarin was too happy:rolleyes:


New Member
the horseshoe crab was definately alive. w e had just gotten him from the LFS that day. The hermit crab isnt all that big. Itsonly a little bigger than a black and white damsel. It was about half the size of the baby horseshoe crab. We introduced both to the tank at the same time too if that makes a difference. And the horshoe crab was flyin around and everything perfectly fine like 5 minutes before the hermit ate him.


Active Member
Tell us about your tank and water chemistry. Something doesn't sound right and we want to help you, but can't do it without this basic information.
How big is your tank?
How long have you had it set up?
What animals do you have in it?
What filter do you have?
What does your water test show (specific gravity, pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate?)


New Member
its my sister's aquarium. So i dont really know that much about everything but i'll ask her. The hermit and horseshoe were her christmas present and she didnt even get to see the horseshoe because when she got home and we showed her she asked what the hermit crab was eating and thats when we realized it had the horseshoe crab. But i'll make sure to ask her about the water and get back to everyone. Thanks for your help so far!!