hermit ID


I currently have 3 blue-legged hermits and 6 "scarlets". But when I got the scarlets, there were these other hermits mixed in with them. They have red antennae like the scarlets but their bodies are green. One of my scarlets was killed, ripped in half, so I'm wondering if it was one of the blue-legs or one of these green/red guys. I don't know what they are so I don't know if they're meaner than the blue-legs. I don't want to take back the wrong ones!


Active Member
A pic would be best it really isnt very easy to see from writing. Also do you have extra shells in the tank? When a hermit molts he needs a bigger shell and if one isnt available he will turn to killing another hermit or a snail for its shell. It dont matter what kind they all will do this. Scarlets are suppose to be the better ones at it but im sure they would still do it if there wasnt anything els available.


Here is a picture of the big one. There are a few smaller ones too. And there are plenty of different sized shells in the tank for them to move into. I just don't want any more being killed so I want to see what could have killed the scarlet.


Active Member
my blue hermits killed all my scarlet and each other..and i had about 200 extra shells in there...tht


They linda look like my Hawaiian zebra hermits. Do they have one claw larger than the other one? Do they have white stripes on their legs? I have never had any problem with mine, but some people have. As I always say, crabs are like people, some of them are just . . . well, ya know!


That's what I was thinking but there is no significant difference in claw size. It looks like both claws are equal in size, so I'm stumped. The legs kind of have white stripes down the center of them but it's more of an off-white green surrounded by green of the leg. Everything is green except the antennae and tips of some of the legs, those are red.


I guess so. So do you suggest getting rid of the blue-legs and getting some scarlets to replace them? i'm guessing that's probably what killed the scarlet.


Active Member
I dont know since it isnt my tank. I have 10 hermits and they dont bother anything since I have extra shells laying arournd now.


Definitely get extra shells! Even the not-so-mean hermits will kill another crab to get a new shell once they have out grown theirs. I have blue leg crabs, and no problems so far, but mine aren't very big either. And good luck on figuring out what the "mutant crab" is. I will do some more research!


Thanks, I might be going to the lfs tonight, supposed to get a new SW shipment in today, so I'll probably pick up some more shells just in case the ones I have aren't good enough for the picky guys.


I know that you said that the legs were green on your guy, but it could be the lighting. Do you think this might be what you have?
Electric Blue Hermit Crab
(Calcinus elegans)
Quick Stats
Care Level: Easy
Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 2"
Color Form: Black, Bright Blue, Orange
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: Yes
Diet: Omnivore
Origin: Indo-Pacific, Marshall Island
Family: Diogenidae
The Electric Blue Hermit Crab, a very rare find, originates exclusively from the Marshall Islands. This crab has electrifying blue legs with black banding, and its antennae stand out with its bright orange color. Both claws are close to being equal size, and are brownish green in color. This tiny crab lives in abandoned snail or triton shells, or it may resort to attacking and eating a snail so it can use the shell for its home.
The Electric Blue Leg Hermit Crab is a valuable addition to an aquarium because it will eat algae including green hair algae and cyanobacteria. In addition, it provides valuable aeration by sifting through the sand. This is one Hermit Crab that is reef-safe.
If there is an insufficient amount of algae present, the Electric Blue Leg Hermit Crab will need to be fed dried seaweed.


Nope, DEFINITELY not an electric blue. These guys are definitely green in the legs. They are nothing like the blue of my blue-legged hermits. Thanks for the attempt though :)


Sorry, I couldn't post a picture, but if you write "electric blue hermit crab" in your search engine, it will pull up a few pictures for you to look at. If that is it, a great find!