Hermit Stunts!!!


Who can't stop and appreciate the pure joy of watching a hermit crab crawl up the silicone bead at the corner of the tank, get about half way up, and then fall straight to his arse!
Kinda reminds me of real life!!!
:) :p :)


I like it when they are high up in the LR and you put some food in the tank and they do a base jump to the bottom of the tank.:D


OK you've both been staring way to much at the tank latley. Now stair at this pretty silver watch on this chain, look at it move back and forth, back and forth, gently back and for....zzzzzzzzzzzzz:D
I agree its fun to watch (no pun intended) those guys to see what they will do next. I place a little nori around a empty shell with a rubberband in front of the tank, they come to it in a little hurd and circle it.
Getting bogged down in the substrate
Falling off rocks
Sometimes even running around

without shells on :eek:
I have noticed the crawling up the silicone thing as well or even on some hair algea up the glass only to ride the current down after losing hold.
Now if only they had a slinky worm :cool:


Active Member
The emeralds are pretty cool with their out stretched claws waiting to warmly embrace something else...I give mine seaweed selects pieces and the damsels all the time trying to get it from him...he is quiet the little defender...but the entertainment value of the blue legs is priceless.


Active Member
Yes, see, when my snails fall on their backs I usually right them ASAP. Because I don't like losing snails constantly because they can't turn back over. Well, some can. But, mexican trochus turbos cant, which is why I steer clear of them.
As far as my hermits falling and jumping all around the tank:
When they're on their backs, I let em be. And they always fix themselves.
Except when one falls from the top of the silicone bead, and his shell hits so hard it has him STUCK upside down in the DSB. :D


I race my hermits :) when they're all on the substrate i put a peice of cockle at the top of a piece of liverock and watch them scramble up the verticall rock to the top...but usually by the time they've got there the Candy cane shrimp has ran off with it. Hehe

melissa v.


Originally posted by Jackson_UK
I race my hermits :) when they're all on the substrate i put a peice of cockle at the top of a piece of liverock and watch them scramble up the verticall rock to the top...but usually by the time they've got there the Candy cane shrimp has ran off with it. Hehe



My best funny is my horseshoe crab in a corner. He comes up looks around digs down hits it again.Its continous until he slips and goes the right way.
Second are the SHELL SHOPPER HERMITS. They jump out of one into another. Nope not good. Go to the next...and so on
Third is HERMIT WARS. They fight like hell and who knows what over. I have 250 -300 various shells in my tank for them, yet they fight and chase each other all the time. Not to mention for the size they are mean.


I guess the next funniest thing in my tank is the serpent scrambling to get food it can't see till it gets it. I think the humor stems on how fast and how clumsy and spastic it is... so quickly after the flakes hit the water. and a chunk of shrimp...forget about it!!!:p
Keep the replies coming...How about a thread with funny, yet everyday things... like above! Lord knows we need a bit of humor to augment the beauty of our tanks to justify the cost!!!;)


The thing that endears my evil blue legs to me is watching them climb on the back of a snail and suddenly finding themselves half way up the tank side with no parachute. These guys are really the court jesters of my tank, much more so than the quiet sophistication of the scarlets.