Heteractis Magnifica and Clown


Hello, I just got my anenome (Heteractis Magnifica ) and I was wondering why it is so difficult to keep. I have had a long tentacle anenome for a year so I was hoping to keep the Heteractis Magnifica with the same success. If anybody can give me some tips I would appreciate it bc I love my clown and anenome. Thank You.

rod buehle

90% of the time they will climb to the highest spot in the tank is search of as much flow and lighting that they can get IME. (well.. IME, its been 100% of the time)


yup, that is exactly what he is doing. He keeps getting stuck in my koralia3 powerhead. Other than that he is doing pretty good. Im keeping the t-5s on him for 10 hours a day.