Heteractis Magnifica - Questions on owning/caring/other fish


New Member
So i have purchased this anemone but have some concern after reading some things online
55 gallon tank, wet/dry setup, currently 1 live rock
Kolia Evolution 750 pump which will be pointed at live rock/anemone (best way?)
1 Maroon Clown
1 Dottyback
1 Naso Tang
2 Lunare Wrasse
1 Bicolor Angelfish
Anyone see any potential problems with these inhabitants?
Any special care needed for this large anemone? food? etc
How many hours do the lights need to be on?
I used to have 2 long tentacle anemone's but lost due to water quality and likely diet
I have 4 new bulbs (2x Actinic and 2x aqua blue) as of yesterday


Active Member
couple problems, the naso tang is too big for ur tank or eventually it will get too big, and u said one piece of live rock? O_O
how many pounds is the rock? how old is your tank? and how many watts of lighting do u have?
my guess for the death of your former anemones died from the lack of live rock, cause live rock is a very important form of filtration. the more rock u have the more beneficial bacteria u will have which keeps nitrates low.
and u should feed the anemone once a week of cut up fish, squid, or krill.


Active Member
oh and i just researched Lunare Wrasse, ur tank is too small for 2 and they are not reef safe. they might eat ur anemone...


New Member
I have 2 pieces of live rock now... ~10lbs..... Naso Tang will now not be in this tank... this tank is probably been running for about 2 years....... These are the T5 HO 54w bulbs..... I will look into the Lunare Wrasse issue with the store....


Active Member
most fish stores lie to make people buy there products. ive been a victim -__- it really sux.
and 10 pounds is really not enough, i dont think your tank has done a complete cycle yet, even if it is 2 years old. i would buy another 50 pounds of live rock and wait a couple months then try it again. this is a great hobby,and a very expensive one, and you need patience.


I would say metal halides are the only way to have this anemone survive. They are one of the most difficult to succesfully provide for.
You don't have enough live rock to sustain your water quality or provide beneficial flora and fauna for this anemone or any other.
I would follow the advice above! This coming from someone who has successfully raised one after losing a few because of my ignorance.