Hex 7


New Member
I have a couple of questions. I currently have a a Hex 7 that is being used as a freshwater tank. If I converted this to a saltwater tank, what would I have to do? Also what kind of fish could I have? I was thinking of one or two max. I am guessing given the size of this (its higher than it is wide) that I will be limited as to what I can do with it. Am I correct on this? I would assume that it could not be a reef tank. Thanks for the information in advance and help. This hobby seems to be very addictive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jwp5560
I have a couple of questions. I currently have a a Hex 7 that is being used as a freshwater tank. If I converted this to a saltwater tank, what would I have to do? Also what kind of fish could I have? I was thinking of one or two max. I am guessing given the size of this (its higher than it is wide) that I will be limited as to what I can do with it. Am I correct on this? I would assume that it could not be a reef tank. Thanks for the information in advance and help. This hobby seems to be very addictive.
I would keep it as a freshwater tank, too much trouble to keep up a tank that small, very little room for errors and not much fish that can live in that small of a tank, I don't think any saltwater fish can live in that small of a tank. :happyfish


I agree with Mikeyjer. With that small amount of water, any little thing could really throw you tank off tremendously.


New Member
Thanks 27mtaylor and Pfitz44. I suppose I will just pack it up and put it in storage for now. Again, thanks for the comments and thoughts.