Hex Tank Owners - Please respond


I have a 42 G Hex tank and I want to rearrange my rocks to a better aquascape. Can I see some other Hex owners rock formations for ideas on my own? It's tough since space is limited. I thought this would be a good place to share ideas and show off their rock formations.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ck_503
I have a 42 G Hex tank and I want to rearrange my rocks to a better aquascape. Can I see some other Hex owners rock formations for ideas on my own? It's tough since space is limited. I thought this would be a good place to share ideas and show off their rock formations.

I will try to get a pic but I have a 44g pentagon (similar) and I like to pile it high (top) on two sides. Then some in the middle.
I guess the best way to describe the way my 35 gal hex i setup is - I put a stonehenge type circle up and then laid a piece on the top to create an "open" cave in the middle. The fish really seem to like it. Plus my lower light corals have a nice placement for their needs but I still get a good viewing to.
