Hex usage


I have the Marineland Hex 5 system at work (Hex Link) and cant fight the urge to stick some salt in there and get rid of the freshwater (no fish in there at the moment).
I know I wont have the time to make it a full-fledged nano as I cant do the water changes in the office, and the lighting isnt very good. What will happen if I get the salinity and PH just right and stick some brine shrimp eggs in there?
Will they all get sucked through the filtration system? This particular model has a five inch pipe extending into the system, which gets pumped through a bio-wheel in the hood.
If this is generally a bad idea (tm) let me know and I'll resist the salt urge; has anyone used the Hex 5 for salt?

mr . salty

Active Member
The brine would be a MESS in that tank.
Why not get it going,,,put a few lbs of rock and sand out of your home tank in it.Then add a small clow or two...This would be easy to care for and should work fine..Water changes also should be a breeze.Just bring in a gallon of water from your home tank once or twice a week...
I also have one of these same tanks that my daughter has in her room...Been thinking of converting it also...


I figured the brine wouldnt work, but thats what came to mind first. If nothing else I could establish it fishless for a while just to test its stability as a sw tank.
I'll get a rock or two from home and put some sand in it as well. Thanks for the info.

mr . salty

Active Member
To properly test it's stability,you will need more in it than just rock and sand.There must be some type of bioload(fish) or the nitrafying bacteria will eventually die off...A sehorse would work,,,But just shrimp probably would not...Inverts by themselves offer little to no bioload to a tank...
You could just toss in some brine shrimp every week or so to keep it going,,,But isn't the point to have something to look at and enjoy?????


Yeah I'll eventually put something in it; but ive learned to go slow, especially with smaller systems.
Thanks for everyone's input.