:notsure: Has anyone had luck with a 75 gallon hexagon? I keep getting different advice from the different fish salesmen. Can the lighting be sufficient to reach the bottom?
well i gotta 95 hex over here. seems fine but it's only in the beginning stages. right now there's only a flouri hangin over it. what kinda different advice are you gettin?
Some say they work great. Others say they are too deep and not wide enough to fit proper lighting in order for it to reach all the way to the bottom. I really like the look; but, I want to have live rock and corals and I don't want to invest money into a system that is not going to serve my purpose very well.
I have a 47 gal Hex and love it! Just upgraded the lights to fit the tank. Ask your LFS or call an aquarium service co. They found what we needed. Coralife 50/50 24" 95W x 4 The bulbs say 65,000 (?) I have thriving corals and anenomes so we must be doing something right!