hey all, its just me bluefin with a different name checkin in.

clown fish heir

New Member
I am getting a 125 bow front reef tank as soon as I can. I wanted to add 1 flame angel, 2 percula clowns, and maybe a yellow tang.( probably not though) and will add 30 blue legged hermit crabs, 4 scarlet legged crabs, maybe a serpent star, a cbs and a pep shrimp. sound good to you guys? by the way I wont cause any more trouble. that first time was just for fun. thats what I do at all message boards.

clown fish heir

New Member
is that a joke, or a honest welcome. if it is an honest welcome, I am happy. normally I get horrible greetings. ones that if I repeated them I would get banned.


Active Member
You are on a hobby information service/business promotion type of forum here...you are dealing with people whom care about their hobby, their animals and the sharing of ideas and finding solutions to their problems...


New Member
he didn't leave, he got banned for being completely obnoxious, continually starting and taking threads way off topic and, i think, using profanity, among other things, after many warnings i might add....
i am all for giving someone a second chance, but, imo, this young person will not last long before it all starts up again!:rolleyes:


Active Member
There was no mention of his former username in the post that Ryan welcomed him into. He was being encouraging and helpful to whom he thought was a new member.
Oh yeah, I remember you....:rolleyes:
Sorry if I don't find your little game amusing, but I really think you have a lot of nerve. :mad: Having your fun at our expense, and then coming back here telling us that you do this kind of thing for kicks at every board you use is not a great way to start out.
Forgive the skepticism, but time will tell if you have decided to be a serious member....that is, if the mods decide to let you have another chance at it...:eek:

the claw

Active Member
:( :eek: :mad:
So many emotions, yet I will try to overcome them and be an encouraging thoughtful human being.
Get lost DUDE, and don't waste our time. Go pester Death-co or something......:mad:
Everybody deserves a second chance, and if he truly wants to be a serious member then give him a chance. If not, BOOT HIM.:D