hey all, newbie here,need a lil help


well im kinda a newbie i had fowlr b4 but it was 10 years ago, tryin again with a 155gln. the tank i got used came with a overflow box and wet dry set up. i have been doin my homework for the last month reading everything i could get my hands on
. but one thing im not gettin is on my overflow it has 2 outlets on the back, and one outlet has a tube with a disc that slides on it and im not sure what this is for i cant seem to find what this is for. could ne one tell me?


Active Member
Sounds like some sort of check valve type setup so if the flow stops it slides over the hole to prevent suction.


Active Member
Yes, a check valve. Not sure if it's to break a syphon or just flow to the sump, but either way, it's probably to keep your sump from overflowing in case you have a power outage or if flow stops coming into the box.


yeah thats what i figured it was but im still not sure how to set it up the correct way. why do most overflows ive seen have only one outlet in the back? mine has 2.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kearj74
yeah thats what i figured it was but im still not sure how to set it up the correct way. why do most overflows ive seen have only one outlet in the back? mine has 2.
So this is not already set up and running? You are trying to put it together?


Active Member
First all welcome to the boards.
You are definitely starting off the right way by asking questions BEFORE you set up your tank.

Now to let you in on a little behind the scenes knowledge of the board, T3 is a good guy, but he is from the backwookds country. So the bulk of his mechanical knowledge is about stills for making moonshine and squirrel rifles for huntin' vittles.

To me that looks like someones idea for cutting down on the gurgling noise that overflows can make. It also looks pretty dangerous to me. I don't like anything that can get stuck and mess with the flow of an overflow. The second tube looks like some type of suction break or some way of letting air in to reduce the flushing noise overflows can sometimes make. I would recommend 3 things. 1, Do NOT install that disc thing, there is no real reason for it. Thousands of overflows are working without that decive. 2, set up your overflow with a couple of rectangular trash cans and try things out for yourself. That way you can see how things work and try that disc thing. 3, Ask about this in the equipment section. SCSI hangs out there and may know more about this than me.


hey i like the backwoods, lol, but yes i am trying to figure everything out before i begin setup. i tried the trash cans and i believe the 2nd outlet is incase the first becomes clogged for some reason.so do you think i should run both outlets to my sump?


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316

Kowabunga dude! The waves are totally tubing today, it is totally gnarly.
(Ok I owe you a round of golf for that one
K, I would hook both drains (if that is what the second on is) to the sump. Although the second outlet could be like the air break that is hooked up to the drain line of your dishwasher. Even so if you run both lines to your sump you will be good to go. Because then you are just hooking it up like the rest of the overflows that are out there.


im just not gettin it ive tried to make sence of it, the tube on the right is a little higher than the one the tube and cap fit on. the tube the cap sits on has a rubber seal on top and doesnt let water out and then water goes out the right one. ive searched everywhere and cant find one that resembles this overflow.


Active Member
What Scotts said - a little tough to tell from the pick, but looks like a noise reducer to me as well.
Google CPR HOB overflows. They use a similar set up.