hey all you people that know the maxi-jet ph converted to wave maker.......


Active Member
could i use one on my 40 gallon tank? and if so which maxi-jet? how long intervals should i have in between waves?


Just curious, do the powerheads plug directly into the wave maker or do you need adaptors?
(sorry for jumping in Yellowtail)


Active Member
is there a set time that they go on and off at depending on where you plug them in or is there some way that you can choose what intervals you want?


It have 4 different options as far as wave intensity goes... From light (fish only) to more intense (reef). It has an automatic nightime setting that the intensity will calm down for 8 hours at bedtime. It also has another option (which I haven't used yet). My hubby read about it and he explained that it has 3 settings. A nighttime gentler setting (8 hours) a morning with a little more agitation (also 8 hours) and an evening with the most power.(again...8 hours). But once you hit the night-time button, it will remember the setting and automatically change at the same time every night. And it has a feeding mode, you simply hit the button and all of the PH's slow down significantly for 10 minutes.


that link goes to a wave-master..
Do you mean wave maker (aquarium systems)?
I knew the Maxi-Jet power heads were now sold under the Marineland name...
Did they change the name to match the wave-maker timed power strip (originally by Aquarium Systems)...
or am I completely screwed up?!!


My wave-maker, has always been named Wave-Master, and it's always been by Red Sea...As far as I know. I got it about 7 months ago.


I am not sure that I can give you a definate answer. You plug 4 PH's in the back (or 3 and your filter), you select an option, and it will alternate the powerheads. There is never a time when all 4 are off. I took 3 pics almost back to back. The 4 options on the left are adjustable by me. The 4 on the right are the PH's that are currently on as indicated by the light. Then the 2 options on the far right are your day/night and feeding mode.