Hey Ant....MonaLisa....you out there???


Active Member
Lisa and Julie (right??) I am sorry to hear about both of your Mothers. What a stressful time for everyone, it is so hard to see loved ones suffering. I hope they both get a little stronger as each day goes by.
As for the fragging/shipping I have just started to look into the how's of this as well, I will share any helpful info I come across.
180 Gallons- CRAZY!!! You go girl! I try to use my tanks as relaxation also but they seem to be more of a stress than anything lately. Things are great in between the losses though.....I did a freshwater/meth blue dip on the fish before adding to display, but no QT. My filter died on my QT tank forcing me to throw my 16 back together in a hurry. I am eying my new angel who is soooo shy- she looks like she may have something going on parasite wise, but I can barely see her as she is always in the caves of my rock. And she is not eating which has me concerned. She does swim around a little more each day, I am hoping she is just taking her time to recover from her shipping ordeal and will be a happy healthy fish by next week. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I will be kicking my own

if I need to treat an entire tank for a disease that I could have prevented by buying a new filter for my QT.

Lisa- I am not sure how a gramma would fit in with your gang, as you said your angel may not be too pleased. Lots of redecorating may be your best bet when it comes time to add somebody new, and lots of shelter for the gramma or whomever it may be. Love your shrimp thingy.


Active Member
Well I have read quite a bit of into on this site, still confused but maybe I will purchase and pack a thermos and send it to you Julie?? And then you can bag the coral and send it back? I did read not to use zip lock bags, use regular storage bags, little water, lots of air, twist and tie, bag again. With the weather getting cool quick I may need a heat pack or two also.....let me go rummage in my basement and see what I come up with.


Active Member
Yup, it is me again.
I went to LFS to pick up new glass top (dropped last one in bath tub during a cleaning :mad: ). While I was there I wanted to pick up a few things....sexy shrimp being one of them. They advised against it saying my clown would eat them, or atleast attempt to. This was dissapointing, I have been wanting some sexies for months. Anyway, moving on- I came across this AWESOME goby- can't remember the name, but has red and white stripes across its body with yellow fins. A real show stopper. So I tell her I will take it and my lid. Turns out my new lid was shattered also. :hilarious .....so no goby, on hold til next week since it is a jumper when spooked.

I did manage to leave with a single mushroom, blue pimple which I came home and fragged!!!!! So excited, hope they grow well. Also tried fragging my orange zoos but I think I may have used too much super glue for each little zoo so not too sure how that will turn out. Only cut 4 so if I lose them it won't be horrible. Also the old cuts should regenerate.


Oh man! Lisa and Julie I am so sorry to hear about your moms. What a bummer! I totally understand about caring for a family member who is extremely ill. I won't go into my story but I just wanted to say how commendable it is to take on such a stressful task. In fact we are planning our next home with a Mother-in-law quarters for that very reason. Hang in there you two. You are strong women!
It is really great to hear from you ladies! Kelly, my fingers are crossed for your fish gang. Hopefully your new one is just adjusting. Yes, I did upgrade but only by nine gals and it was by accident. A nice accident though. The thread is called, "The transfer is complete and here are my steps."
Lisa, I feel the same way about my last fish. I think I'll know it when I see it. I've seen a few I'd love but my tank is too small. Lord knows I won't be upgrading any time soon. My husband would kill me! But it sounds like you are having a blast with the corals. I still just have my pulsing xenias, which are multiplying :jumping: , my brown polyp on the hermit shell that has three new buds on it (and walking all over the tank :scared: ), and my green star polyps. I love them. Your diving sounds so fun and exciting too. We're not really close to any water so I go and hang out with the horses instead. I love that too though.
Julie, 180gal?!!
OMG, that is awsome. I can't imagine water changes for that size tank but boy, the fish you could buy! Please post pictures.


PS-where is everyone from? On this thread, by the way. I'm from Albuquerque, New Mexico and that's where we plan to retire in 1 1/2 yrs. We are currently living in San Antonio. It's a lot of fun but the humidity is awful. So much to do. In fact, my son and I just went to Sea World this morning. We both love it. We have season tickets so we can go whenever, and that's usually what we do.


Hi Ant, wow too funny, my hubby had a choice of transfer when we were told we would be moving with his company...nashville, Tn or Alberquerque! We obviously are in Tenn, but I love it here.
Yep 180!! Might do a 240...honestly, I find that the big tank is not too bad to do water changes. We have one of those real big cobra plastic tubing and hang it out over our deck in back and take only 10%...now we have the 90...not hard at all....bought an RO so we make our water in a big tub...will be 2 big tubs soon!
Lost our very first fish since we started, not our fault...our 6 line wrasse about 2 months after having a mandarin put in just decided to go after him and destroy! Guys at lfs said cause they were fighting over the same food....the pods...grrrrrr. When we empy out tank, will catch the 6 line and give it away. It is very friendly with every other fish, was told not to put him in with another pod eater again but I want another mandarin.
Let me know about the cooler thing, cool idea. I could get those styrofoam ones here cheap, trying to figure out how to get good o2 in the air in the bags, cause I would think if we blow in the bags, would put in alot of c02...but not sure! want to make sure everyone gets these alive!!
Well everyone, gotta run right now but will be back later to chat more....how fun to chat with everyone...tee hee hee.... :jumping:


HI girls!! you are not forgotten....have not been able to frag the colt beast yet. My mom got quite sick and I had to cancel my bud coming over to help us. You are in my thoughts and when we get the chance and time and things calm down, I will be still sending these off. I have a best friend who lives in New Orleans...she is on her way here today!! Has been traveling since this morning with her entire family here and is still 4 hours away....pray for them!


Active Member
You got it lady!! I wish the absolute best for your mom...she's really lucky to have you and your's taking care of her.
I was coral shopping today, and didn't find anything that just called my name, so I just picked up a couple of emerald crabs, one of which was quickly taken out by my cyrius snails. Do you know anything about those???? they burrow in the sand until they sense that there's something to eat...I hate 'em!! I have 10 of them and would like to get them out of my tank, but I don't want to cause a mini spike by digging up the sand to get the little crappers!! grrrrrrrr!!!!!
I hope your mom is doing better and that you have time to enjoy having your friend visit. Let us know how things go. My thoughts are with you!!! I know what you're going through.
Lisa :happyfish


Julie-I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Hang in there. She is very blessed to have you. I will pray for you and your family from NO. I'm sorry I didn't get back to you before. I didn't get any messages from the thread so I assumed no one wrote. 180 gal is awsome and then 240gal...OMG!! Oh the fish you could buy. I can't even imagine the cost. My husband griped when I bought a power head the other day. He really griped today because I bought some more LR and an enginere gobi for my son. He thinks it's an eel.
Works great for me and he really is cool. I got some free bright yellow zoos on the new rock too. Yea for me! BTW-are you a registered nurse? Just curious. I thought that's what the rn stood for.
Lisa-wow those astreas are bad characters.
I'd rustle the sand and get them out of there. Chances are they've already moved it around and released those gases anyhow. I don't know anything about them other than what you've told me. Good luck!
Can't believe the weekend is over already. Ant.


Active Member
Hi girls,
Ohio- so sorry to hear your Mom took a turn for the worse. Do not worry about the coral, you need to focus your attention on your family right now. {{{{hugs}}}}. I hope your friends return to an intact home, glad to hear they will be safe with you.
I lost my angel from SWF the day the guarentee expired. :mad: I was pulling for her but it was evident from the beginning she might not make it. Just wasn't energetic like an angel is and wouldn't eat. So I don't think I will be ordering anymore fish from this site. Two out of 3 is a bum rap.
I will stick to corals only in the future. But, I did get another angel from LFS. They had her for 6 weeks so I opted not to QT her- a calculated risk and now she is showing signs of ich. But I am hopeful she can fight in on her own....wish she would let the cleaner shrimp get it but she won't let them touch her. Very strange- my other angel stopped in for a cleaning every hour.
If neccessary I will remove all inverts and mostof the rock to the QT and do hypo on the main tank. Hoping this will not be necessary though.

Lisa- what masty snails you have! I have lost two emeralds to my hermits following a molt so I do not have any at the moment. I am also missing some zoo polyps. CRABS!!!

Glad to see you all checked in........Ant, post some pics of that new fish please!


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishmamma
They had her for 6 weeks so I opted not to QT her- a calculated risk and now she is showing signs of ich. But I am hopeful she can fight in on her own....
It is possible.... one of my surprise B-day fish that my wife bought for me developed a little ich on his tail (RoyalGramma). He managed to kick it, but this poor little guy looks like he has really been through an ordeal. He has a scar in his forhead that looks like he's come from a really unhappy home, but he's become way more active than he was for the first couple weeks. Try soaking your food in garlic if you don't do that already, I'm a firm believer in the stuff.


Kelly-you poor girl! I can't believe the luck you've had with fish. I am pulling for you and your little angel. Is everything testing alright with your water? That is such a bummer. I hate seeing a dead fish. Makes me SO sad. I will post a picture soon of the eng goby. I can't get a good one because he likes to stay behind the rocks of course. Swims quite a bit but stays in the back. I really like my new LR and my new arrangement. I wish I could get a bigger fish. Will have to wait a couple of years. I REALLY want more corals but I can't get myself to fork over the bucks for them yet. My next purchase will probably be an anenomy(spelling?). Good luck with the new angel.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishmamma
Hi girls,
Ohio- so sorry to hear your Mom took a turn for the worse. Do not worry about the coral, you need to focus your attention on your family right now. {{{{hugs}}}}. I hope your friends return to an intact home, glad to hear they will be safe with you.
I lost my angel from SWF the day the guarentee expired. :mad: I was pulling for her but it was evident from the beginning she might not make it. Just wasn't energetic like an angel is and wouldn't eat. So I don't think I will be ordering anymore fish from this site. Two out of 3 is a bum rap.
I will stick to corals only in the future. But, I did get another angel from LFS. They had her for 6 weeks so I opted not to QT her- a calculated risk and now she is showing signs of ich. But I am hopeful she can fight in on her own....wish she would let the cleaner shrimp get it but she won't let them touch her. Very strange- my other angel stopped in for a cleaning every hour.
If neccessary I will remove all inverts and mostof the rock to the QT and do hypo on the main tank. Hoping this will not be necessary though.

Lisa- what masty snails you have! I have lost two emeralds to my hermits following a molt so I do not have any at the moment. I am also missing some zoo polyps. CRABS!!!

Glad to see you all checked in........Ant, post some pics of that new fish please!

Grrr, this hobby can be hair-pulling, can't it?? I would love to get rid of those creepy snails that I have, but so far, I haven't come up with a game plan. They did cause a mini-spike when I first put them in, but my water parameters have been great since. I just don't want to dig them out of the sand and cause another spike...geez!!
I'm really sorry to hear about your angel loss...what kind of angel was she (not that it makes any difference). I HATE losing critters!! At the moment I'm keeping a close eye on a ricordea that I bought about 3 weeks ago. It's so small, and on such a small rock that where ever I put it, somebody knocks it around!! I've had it just sitting on the sand for the past week or so, and I noticed that it didn't look like it was doing all that well. Tonight I found a place in the live rock to wedge the rock it's on good and tight, closer to the light...here's hoping!!!
Ant, how's your mom doing? I called mine today...well...(feeling guilty for not being able to be there...). Hope everything is going well with you. Keep us posted.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Hi All
What a scene down south huh? So many people have lost so much. I can not imagine how they will pick up from here and manage to put their lives back together.
Ohio- Are you without power?? I hope you and your friends are safe and well.
As for me and my fish my water parameters are stable and right on.just a string of unhealthy stock I guess. The LFS guy said my first angel probably died due to an internal problem that would have shown very little if any signs before killing the fish. The second arrived in poor shape - probably didn't take the shipping well. The new pygmy angel knock on wood seems very happy and healthy the two ich spots aside. She has been active and eating since being added to my tank. She even swims down into Big Dig's caves. Too funny! I am dosing their food with Selcon and garlic but I tend to do this a few time s a week anyway. I have just bumped it up to daily dosing for all the fish in that tank.
Lisa- Sometimes these corals are tought to establish in the tanks huh? Bifg or small they may get bumped or be unhappy with their initial placement.
Ant- I will patiently wait for some pics!! I will try and take a photo of my new goby while he is acclimating since I do not know how often I will see the little guy once in my tank. The new pistol shrimp is not nearly as active as Big Dig. He even climbs the live rock in search for a tasty treat.


Yes, those poor people down south. My heart breaks for them and my prayers go out to them. I just can't imagine.
Lisa-it's Julie's mom who is very ill but thanks for the kind words. I hope she's doing better too.
Kelly-I'm so glad your fish is doing well! :jumping: That's great news.
I must confess that I bought two more fish...
I decided against the anenome for now and bought a fire fish and an anthia (pink and orange). Now I'm concerned that I have too many fish. I got very frustrated not seeing two of the fish I bought because they're always under rocks. I wanted fish I can see swimming so I went to the LFS, knowing they just got a shipment in and I talked tothem and they helped me pick some out. These are wonderful people, BTW, they have steered me away from fish, equip, corals, etc. for the better of my tank so I know they're not just out to sell me something. Anyway, I really enjoy the new ones. They acclimated very easily and are swimming around with the others. It's so much fun. I will post pics soon. I look forward to yours too. Hey Lisa, have you figured out how to post pics yet?


Active Member
Ant- awesome selection on your new fish!! I am at maximum capacity myself after I add the goby, but if I could add more fish those two are in my top 5 list. I had considered an anthia in the past due to their gorgeous colors but know that some get quite large and others quite hard to keep. It is great you have an LFS to help you decifer all of these things. Is your firefish a purple firefish by any chance??
Now I REALLY can not wait to see pictures. :jumping:


Kelly-let me just say that I LOVE the Anthia!! :jumping:
And the fire fish is so pretty but she's so small and not eating much because of all the piggy fish I have. The LFS told me that the anthia takes quite a while to get big but they said if it doesn't work out I could take him back for full credit at any time. They also told me about the chances of difficulty feeding and told me for any reason to bring him back. But, he acclimated so well and has eaten flake and frozen brine. He swims all over and is SO pretty. I'm very pleased. The fire fish is not the purple one but she's still very pretty and brightly colored. I couldn't get very good pictures because they move too quickly. Hope you like them.



Active Member
**"Lisa-it's Julie's mom who is very ill but thanks for the kind words. I hope she's doing better too."**
We need an "embarrassed" emoticon!! But those are my sentiments exactly.
I have been having the week from hell at work this week, every night I've been getting home with a giant headache...thank goodness for this hobby.
My little ricordea has now spent a full night and a full day lodged between a couple pieces of rock, and he's looking oh so much better!! I hope he stays put now.
My brother and his family are about 60 miles north of New Orleans...I just found out today that everyone is fine there, Thank God!! But my heart does go out to those people there, I can't even imagine being in a situation like that...
Kelly- I'm really glad to hear that you're on an upswing...you definitely deserve it. Got any pics?
I'm always SO GLAD to get together with the sorority gang

Later. Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Ant- I am once again SOOOOOO jealous of your tank!
Those fish are beautiful, and without knowing I think I would have thought that goby was an eel. :hilarious So ahppy you posted some pics. I ried to take some earlier this week but I forget how to use the new digital camera so I have to dig out the manual I guess. :mad: But I absolutely MUST take of picture of Mr. Yasha when he is acclimating for I fear I may never get a full view of him again. If all goes well he will have his home coming today. Yipee!!! :jumping: My new unnamed pistol does not show himself nearly as frequently as Big Dig........hopefully the two will feel confident and motivated to explore once paired up again. That is so awesome about your LFS letting you give it a go with the anthia, they truly are IMO one of the most eye catching fish in this hobby. :happyfish
Lisa- Phew, that ricordia is happy and stuck after all huh? So glad to hear your brother and fam is well. What devastation this country is facing, it is almost surreal to see it on television. By tghe way- that is a nice shot you got of Sister (somebody)- your angel. I saw it on another thread.

Julie- You are in my thoughts, I am looking forward to hearing you say you are all as OK as can be.


Active Member
No word from LFS yet today so it looks like it will be at least another week before I add the Yasha. Sigh.
I decided to snap a couple pics of the small tank while my son napped, can never get any pics of the tank FULL of fish since it is in his room.....maybe someday.
