Hey Beth...



Didn't I read that you just purchased a generator before all this?? If you did, that's has to be one of the best investments in the history of humans!!!
Glad your already back and safe. :)


Staff member
No kidding, Tiz. I ran out the day before Charlie hit and got the gen. Fortunately, I think the Keys has been the ONLY PLACE that was not effected by Frances. And a good thing too, since I am struck here in Tallahassee. I hope the airports here open up by tomorrow so I can get home. I can't wait to see my mean ole clownfish that nips my hand every time I put my fingers in the tank! LOL Oh yeah, would be good to see the family too. :D
Did you hear that a baby was born in a hurricane shelter and the mom named the baby....yeap, Frances!
Why can't we invent a way to stear these storm out of the way......

bang guy


Originally posted by Beth
Why can't we invent a way to stear these storm out of the way......

oh, we have. Unfortunately Warsaw, New York has exclusive rights for it's use.
It's very effective, we have never been hit by a hurricane.
(So glad you're safe Beth) :)


Active Member
to Ivan!!
I guess Mick Jager will have to write a song for baby Frances being born in a Cat 2 hurricane. That poor lady....can't imagine what fear she must have had going through that!!
Glad to hear the tank is OK Beth. As I watched some of this coverage I was amazed at the commericals. Home generators, fire and water restoration etc.
Hope the rest of the Florida folks will check in when they can and all is well with them. :nervous:


Staff member
The east coast of FLA took the brunt, including SWF.com, I'm sure. Fortunately, it was not a CAT 4, but it lingered, and lingered for an unbearably long time. I went thru Georges and it did the same thing. Very scary to be in the dark at night with no light in sight and the wind wailing.
The people in the Keys believe that the reef helps protect us, but soon, I think the reef will be no more :nope: as man is slowly killing it off.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
oh, we have. Unfortunately Warsaw, New York has exclusive rights for it's use.
It's very effective, we have never been hit by a hurricane.
(So glad you're safe Beth) :)

lol, bang i wish we had the right in 1999, i think that's when it was anyway
hurricane floyd claimed the life of one of my friends dad. sad, it was on 20/20 Novemeber 7th 2001, don't ask how i remember that lol. it was combined with some wtc victims families


Hey Beth,
What are you going to do about Ivan? I hear they are making a mandatory evacuation. I hope youmake out OK.


Active Member
Hopefully she is packing up and moving out. They even airlifted the hospital patients to Alabama. This isn't going to be good for the Keys (or to anywhere else in FLA) its just the Keys are so low and so close the Ivan coming off of Cuba. Pray for whatever this "front" is that is steering it takes it out to sea!:nope:


Staff member
Hello, I'm still in the Keys, one of the few. We are packing and getting ready for possible evac, but we just have not been able to wrench ourselves away from home yet. If I go, I will definately loose my tank and I'm pretty heartsick. To top that, most family, including my mom, are refusing to evac. I have weathered many hurricanes here, and this is the first one that I see so many people really fearing.
My son and I are exhausted from prep and worry and will likely take off first thing in the morning if we are going. It has been one heck of month for Floridians, I can tell you that!
Please everyone keep us and all Floridians in your thoughts and prayers.
Thank you for your emails and good wishes; its up the "Big Guy" upstairs now....:nervous:


Active Member
be safe. Don't wait until its too late though. Once those winds kick up, get out while you safely can. Looks like all of Key West is boarded up and even the old timers left town. Sustained winds of 130 hit Jamacia......not too much can withsatand that for any amount of time. This thing has slowed too.
Be careful, you all are in our thoughts.


Staff member
I was here in Georges where the winds were 110. That storm sat right on top of us and refused to budge for 24 hrs. Didn't even loose a shingle. But electric was out for a week. Talk about misery. We could have a very long discussion about what terrorists could do if they knocked out our electric for any lenght of time.


Active Member
OK, Beth....this thing just hit a Cat 5 and showing no signs of slowing. Don't try to ride that out. :nervous:


Staff member
We just got some "good news" on the storm here. Not "all clear" but just a tad bit of hope. It continue to move west, not northwest.
I hate to say that it going anywhere is "good news" because someone is going to suffer wherever this BEAST travels, but I know you all know what I mean.