Hey Beth...


Staff member
Well, the relief just got a bit more....IVAN the Terriable is still on a westward track and it looks like we will be spared devastation. We will still likely get tropical storm winds.
Feeling very sad about those poor folks in the Carribean Islands.


Active Member
don't say no matter what. Grand Cayman got 20 ft storm surges and people had to go to their roofs. Hard to do with 150 plus MPH.
If its a mandatory evac and you don't, your on your own. Check with your auto insurance, they won't cover you if you don't leave. Some friends of ours live south of Sarasota and they didn't want to leave when Charley came. They were told that they would not have coverage.
Be safe!!


I'm 3 miles north of the pass, so no surge can get me, and also not in a flood area. This house has been here for 80 years.
Beyond that, it's hope, really. I do drive a truck so if I do get leery I know where the local shelter is.
I'm one of those freaks that like this sort of thing.
The tanks are a different sort. Inverters, air pumps, and if worst comes about, I'll stir it with an oar!
Oh, and after the tanks, I can't afford that extra car insurance that pays for stuff!!