Hey, cloudy tank!


New Member
I had to move my 125 fish only tank. Upon transfering the imperator angel, I noticed that she had a cloudy eye. The eye then started to do the POPPY POP POP on me. It swoll up to 4 times the normal size. I used maracyn to clear it up and it worked well. Eye is all clear. I followed the instructions closely and performed a 25% water change after the 5th day as instructed. NOW MY TANK IS CLOUDY. I have used reef carbon to attempt to clear it up but it is not working. What is the problem? I tested for all the levels and everything is within normal parameters. HELP!

david t.

I know how to get rid of the cloudy water. You can use a diatom filter on your aquarium for about a hour or two. If you have never seen a diatom filter it uses a white powder called diatom powder. Thats where it gets its name. What it actually does is polish the water. But you should not use them verry often on aquariums with live rock, it filters the water to much and removes nutrients so im told. But i know it will work because i had the same problem once before with cloudy water. My local pet store let me rent their filter for a day mabe you could do the same so you dont have to buy one !!!!! You also might want to use copper in your aquarium if you do not intend to put invert's in the aquarium it will help keep things like the pop eye away....But once you put the copper in the only way to get rid of it is to drain the tank completly. Let me know how it goes


New Member
Thanks. I will try the diatom filter. I don't have any corals or live rock in this tank. I only have those decorative corals (dead corals) in this tank. I don't buy them anymore after I found out how they are made (nice corals left for dead on a beach and then bleached...

) but I have had a bunch of them for years and won't throw them away. I appreciate the input. I just found this site and I am getting alot of great ideas. Like removing crushed corals and adding sand instead. By the way, I have a 125 FO with an Imperator angel (6 inches), Blue face angel (5 inches), Asfur angel with incredible streamers (this is my buddy, 4 years old and 5 inches), Sohol tang (6 inches...can you believe someone just gave him to me) and finally, the root of my overcrowding problem...my west african moray eel who started off being a foot long and now is 2 and a half feet long in 3 years. I used a wet/dry filter and a penguin 330 as filtration. Tell me what you think.


If you used the marycin in the main tank then you may have killed off the benifical bacteria, you may find that you are now cycling, or soon will.
And my best advice is NEVER use copper for anything. There are better ways.

david t.

sounds like you have good filtration, Does your wet/dry have a protein skimmer built in or in the sump. If not you realy need to have one on your tank. Also when you use the diatom filter you will be shocked on how quick and clear your water gets. At least i was.......


New Member
I don't not have a protein skimmer but a friend of mine is giving me his when he upgrades his reef. I heard that I will be able to add one more fish when I do this. Also, my eel is a menace so I might get rid of him. I mean this guy eats all day and night if I let him. If I get rid of him, I will add two more fish. I think a nice miniatus grouper would bring alot to my tank. Just debating this action as of now. I cant get a grouper with my eel...don't want a grouper snack going on. So I will go get some biozyme to help cycle my tank and hope everything kicks in.