Hey Guys/Gals, check out my tank.


Hey everyone, haven't been on the threads in a while. Well here's my tank:
2 Clowns
Blue Tang
Coral Beauty Angel
Kenya Tree
Xenia Colony
Condi Anemone
Bubble Tip Anemone
Hope You Enjoy.



thanks, yeah i figured it would save me some money on rock and the fish love the holes and big coral in the middle to swim through.


What size is your tank? The reason I ask is because I want to put a blue hippo tang and a coral beauty angelfish in the some in the future 65 gal tank and I would like to know how they get along and how they get along with your other fish!


Well, I have a 56 gal and the tang is about 2". It gets along great with the coral beauty and i've hade them both for about 1 week. About the tang, I'm planning on moving somtime in the near furture and plan to upgrade tanks in the process.Oh, and thanks for all the great feedback!


Please no flaming. I think these boards have had enough drama in the past few days to last it months. Nice looking tank. Everything looks wonderful and healthy. Good job.
um just a say and IMO but uuh tangs AT LEAST need a 75 gallon alone. they need a lot of swimming room to develop because their natural habitat is fast current. i dont think you can support the hippo. sorry not trying to flame but i suggest yo uake that hippo back.


Don't mean to HiJack this thread but don't you guys think the "tang flaming" is getting pretty old or stupid? Seriously, I don't think you're going to stop anyone from keeping a tang (or other fish that actually requires a bigger tank) in a smaller tank. If you've seen or posted on this site/forum or any other forum, I'm sure you have an idea what's good to keep and what's not so good to keep in a small tank. And the last thing you want to hear is someone to tell you something you already know.
My point is that this flaming thing is getting pretty annoying. Even people that NEVER tried keeping a tang in a small tank will tell you that you can't lol.
NewbieABC: Nice start so far. Are the clowns hosting the BTA yet? My anemone looks like yours. I used the scare tactic to make my clowns host :). Oh yeah and how do you like that HYDOR Flo? And where did you get it from?


Ogredawg: Thanks for the feedback! No, my clowns are not hosting the BTA yet. I've had the Bta for about 5-6 months, but the clowns have paid no attention to it. Are there ways to get clowns to host my BTA? My HYDOR Flo is great, it gets a nice amount of cirrculation around the tank, but I plan to get a more powerful powerhead because I think the tank could use a little more Cirrculation. I got it from my local fish store.


Active Member
the rock stacking is very nice.
how are you liking that protien skimmer? (I had on I hated it I could never get it to stop blowing bubbles out the bottom) do you have that Problem.


Active Member
Originally Posted by newbieABC
Thanks. Well, mine blows micro bubbles like crazy, but aren't the supposed to?!?!?!?!
not back into the tank. you could try a foam/ sponge block to see if it traps them. i really like the rockwork.

d0 thy d3w

Originally Posted by newbieABC
Thanks. Well, mine blows micro bubbles like crazy, but aren't the supposed to?!?!?!?!
i stuck a bunch of filter floss in the out take or w/e its called...where the water comes out..it reduced my microbubles dramatically..i still need just a litle more floss..but i gotta buy sum..=(...anywayz..give it a try


People tell me my 125 gal isn't big enough for my hippo. IMO I would not keep a tang in anything less