Hey Guys I want to Apologize and I need some help changing my name


As you all have seen my A**hole friend(If I can still call him that) has typed some stupid things that have no relevance to these posts. First I want to appologize to everyone that he offended.
I hold everyone's opinion here highly and I do not want to jeoperdize anyones help that is offered to me. I need to know how to change my name and how to change my password.
Please someone help and again I am sorry for my friends immature behavior.


No offense taken we more worried you would get booted off the BB, we were fairly sure it wasn't you, unless all of a sudden you started smoking crack LOL :D


New Member
I hope it was someone else on his account because some of that stuff he said was awful. In the future do give your passsword to strangers kid


Active Member
Thanks for explaining what happened last night. I'm sure at first we thought you were just trying to be cute, but then it got worse. Never seen anything like that out of you, and I've always enjoyed your posts and replys.
fshhub and others came to your defense rather quickly - much to their credit - and with some quick emails and such - things were resolved.
Thanks for clearing up the mystery.
Personally I thought you had accidently sucked up a few mouthfulls of protein skimmer crud, and were just having a very bad reaction :p
See ya !


Thanks for understanding broomer,
Also thanks alot fshhub and whipple. You all stood up for me and that means alot. You all are great and I am glad you all know me enough to know that all that immature crap that was typed under my name was not me. I love everyone's opnion in here even if it is not what I want to hear and this BB is the reason I am doing good in this hobby so far(I think).
Thanks guys, guys I will just have to be more protective next time.