Hey Guys...need Help

ive had a bad sand outbreak in algae and red slime
every lvl is spot on...not over feeding...8 hrs of light....and not over stocked.
someone plz help me out
my stock list is like
maroon clown...6line wrasse....starry blenny....and 11 corals (mushrooms and softys... i dont know my return rate..but it is the stock biocube pump along with a maxijet 100

bang guy

Beautiful reef.
I'm going to guess that you need more waterflow but without numbers I really don't know.
My second guess would be excess Phosphate. This usually comes from fish food. Make sure you don't use flaked food, rinse frozen food in fresh water, don't overfeed, and use RO/DI water (or distilled) for water changes.
thanks...i just ordered a in tank refugium that will be in the mail in the next week or so...ill get pics. also picked up the koralia 1 and a pearl green bubble coral today at lfs...cya l8r