hey guys!


New Member
Hey guys im quite new to this hobby but have been planning my first tank since april last year. I finally got it and its about 1 month old. Its a 5 gallon fluval spec reef and is currently the home of a kenya tree coral, candy cane coral and two snails. Just wanted to introduce myself as i am new here, and i will see you around the forum. Good to be here!


Active Member
tough tank to start with good luck. nano's are touchy .hope it does ok.i have never had a tank under 45 gallons. but my local store arounf here have some 5 to 10 gallon displays and they are cool


New Member
Yeah i have a kenya tree which seems to be doing great, but my lps is suffering a little so i think im gonna just going to add some softies from now on


Active Member
what do you have for powerheads in there. if you want lps alot of flow in the tank and water changes works.


New Member
I had a zoomed powerhead but took it out when my replacement pump came. Its adjustable up to 120gph and it fits in the hidden back compartment so i thought it would suffice


Talk about trial by fire. That's a super small tank by saltwater standards as a first tank, most people go 55 to 90 gallon for a first tank. Choose LPS wisely so you don't have closed quarters combat with the chemical warfare.


Well-Known Member
ZeroC, I like that name, by the way.
I can't think of a single LPS coral that has toxins... could you elaborate on which one(s) you are thinking of?


I know they have long tentacles to sting but I thought they used toxins to do it, corals like frogspawn or the rest of them in that family of corals, bubble, hammer, etc...


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the site. You are a brave, brave hobbyist!
The smaller the tank, the harder to keep it going, a 5g is like trying to keep a saltwater fish bowl. I would call such a tank expert only.
I say that because you sound like me. I waited until I was 40 before getting up the nerve to try a saltwater tank. I kept freshwater tanks, and just dreamed of SW since I was 16 yrs old. When I was 10 yrs old, I ordered those tiny seahorses they sell out of comic books. The seahorses died in one day, and I was afraid to ever try again.
Please...if this tiny tank fails, don't give up on the hobby you have dreamed of having for a year. Don't let it discourage you. If the tank survives, I salute you as an expert, because after 12 years experience, I doubt I could keep such a small tiny tank like that going. I hope you have it for many, many years.
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Maybe the word toxin was wrong, but corals have warfare, and shoot their deadly darts at each other...a little carbon goes a long way, and keeping the more aggressive corals down current from the others will keep things peaceful.