Hey help here


hey i just got my ordered from swf. i got a multi-rock and 3 green mushroom ricordea. how do i go about attaching them to the lr? as for now i just place the ricordea on the lr.


superglue gel will work. so will netting them to a rock with rubber bands until they take hold.


hey, how do i go about netting a rubber band? is that possible? the ricordea is really small and when i touch it, its really soft. and also, i noticed when i woke up at 7 oclock, the polyps on the multirock started to shrink. it is because the light was off? is that a normal sign?


Active Member
I've found gluing softies are not the easiest thing to do especailly with shrooms and ricordia unless you get a piece of rock attached to the bottom of the polyp. They slime up to easily and get loose from the glue.
The better method is take some mesh like bridal veil and rubberband the mesh over the rock and polyp and it will attach its self to the rock.


Active Member
I use the "netting" from an onion bag...
This ones a little "loose" but you get the idea...
Place it in a low flow area of the tank for a week or two so it can attach...