hey i need help on building a shark tank


New Member
first off where can i find slionce(sorry if i spelled it wrong) what lengeth x width x height should i make a tank for a nurse shark, and what system should i use i.e. power heads,protien skimmers, etc.


First off, is it legal in your area to keep a Nurse Shark? In some areas it is illegal to posses them. Secondly, yes you do need a large tank to keep one in. They do get big and need plenty of room and do grow rather quickly. If you are going to build your own tank then do some research, it is not just ordinary silicone that is used. You might be able to get away with a 1000 or 2000 gallon tank but make sure you have a home set up for it in advance of getting it when it outgrows the tank.


Active Member
Unless you have a huge supply of money, I would suggest that you look into a diffrent tank setup. A shark requires execlent water conditions and years of experience to handle. Not to mention, Nurse sharks get very large and need huge systems to survive.
I would suggest going with an aggresive tank with triggers and such rather than a shark system, unless you have a tank the size of sea worlds.


Well lets see. For a nurse you'll need a tank at least 20ft long and 10 ft wide, not sure about the hight but I'd get 4ft+.
I recommend selecting a different shark species such as bamboo sharks. They(like nurses) are very hardy and easy to care for and IME very tolerant of parameter fluctuations. I had really high nitrates in my 180 for two weeks and the bamboos didn't seem to notice.


New Member
hey just wanting to tell please no one take offense but i want a nurse shark above all the others and i dont care what system i need and what size tank i need i am going to get one and bye the way thanks for the suggestions keep them coming and also please no take offense


New Member
and bye they way please no take offense but i know my animals i realise that sharks get big just like certian snakes

bang guy

Nurse Sharks are fairly sedentary. This makes them good candidates for captivity. The minimum size tank I would guess to be around 20' X 20' X 6' preferably with rounded corners and a soft bottom.
They produce a LOT of waste in the form of Urea. You will have to find a way to deal with all that waste. Probably an Ozone generator to break the Urea down into Ammonia and then a very large wet/dry.


I don't think anyone will be offended by your post and if you have the money to set up a 6000-10000 gallon system thats great, although few people do.


Active Member
No problem here eitheir... But... Exactly how does a 13 year old go about getting the 10,000$ plus to get a tank that big? Like I said, No problem with you but, too many people have seen other people waste alot of time on the board with big dreams with no way of making them a reality.
Just want to make sure your not just "blowing smoke" and are actually serious. If you are I suggest you move this to the aggresive forum. They can provide more answers. Perhaps risc can help you. I belive that he has a few shark tanks and can better guide you. I will give you this hint though, don't waste his time. It is too valuable :)
Good Luck


New Member
hey i dont smoke wead first off (hahahaha) and you guys have helped me change my mind i think ill go for a bamboo shark any suggestions


Active Member
They still need very large tanks. I would say a minum of 180 gallons. That will run you about 600 just for the tank. Not to mention the stand, canopy, lights, filters, and skimmers required for perfect water quality.
180 is still better than a 20,000gallon though so, it is doable at least. I would still direct your questions to the aggresive forum though. This forum is for the equipment needed for tanks and their DIY parts. The aggresive forum has many members who can better direct you in the picking of the shark..
Good Luck.