Hey! Im not dead!


Active Member
But then again no one asked- Just had to stop by and say hi- At the end of the month i should be getting my paycheck for around 2grand- then i'll get going on my 30 gallon and tell you guys all about it- I have been busy between work and my girlfriend- who i met last month and i cant get enough- but what can we say, women seem to have that power:D also i just got a 292$ speeding ticket- that hurts- real bad:( but that is all for now- when school starts i'll be on more frequently- love, peace and chicken grease:D

nm reef

Active Member

I've been wondering where the heck you've been....we were on the verge of sending out a search party!!
Get that lady interested in the hobby...get her registered here...then post a pic of her so we can see what you've been up to!!!
Seriously...good to see you.:D
NMREEF website
Ka is the wheel that moves the world...and the man or woman that rages against it will be crushed under its rim.


What? you mean I can't collect that insurance policy on you now and buy the reef tank of my dreams, the 30 days was almost up :( oh well.
You know we did send some dog fish out to find you but they wound up chasing some rabbit fish instead ;)
Good to see you back, you better start posing again or we are going to sell your avatar, give your posts away, and call you J10.5kickster :D .
Hey believe it or not you were missed around here.


Active Member
bring out yer' dead - CLANK
bring out yer' dead - CLANK
LOL - so a $292 speading ticket .... hmmm interested in selling off some frags to make some cash??
you wereactually discussed in a thread recently - well DVSKIN and I made fun of you ...


Active Member

Originally posted by DvSKiN
I didnt make fun of him!!! LoL I was just wondering where he is!! And said that his girl is encroaching on the fish tank time!!

Hey but now that he is back can we make fun of him? Just wondering cause it kind of seems like he opened himself up to it:D


Active Member

Originally posted by jwtrojan44
It always starts out that way, son... but then...well, you'll find out.:( ;)

Would you like for me to tell him?????:p
glad to see you here kickster, we had been wondering if you'd run off and got married or something....


Active Member
i was going to run- i was so close- plus he had to turn around- but if i did the exit i got off onto- there were 2 state troopers in the median- so..... 97 in a 55:D- but the more i think about it i could have gotten out of it and just taken a different exit- i actually had to wait for him to catch up to me- - i didnt really slow down - he knew i was thinking about it:D


Active Member

Originally posted by j21kickster
i was going to run- i was so close- plus he had to turn around- but if i did the exit i got off onto- there were 2 state troopers in the median- so..... 97 in a 55:D- but the more i think about it i could have gotten out of it and just taken a different exit- i actually had to wait for him to catch up to me- - i didnt really slow down - he knew i was thinking about it:D

yeah dude - unless you got pared with Martha Stewart you would've hated prison life ..... you just know they are waiting for hte first teen age act of stupidity to happen here so they can trumpet it on the news stations - it is slow news time and I've not seen the required - Teens Out on Rampage story on the evening news yet ....


Active Member
you guys don't get to see cops that much you never get away they away get you and then you get a a$$ wiping (bad boys bad boys bad boys what you gone do) where am i $292 your luckey she is just a girlfriend and not your wife then you would be in so deep

. been ther and did that and i still can't drive 55.


Active Member

Originally posted by overanalyzer
yeah dude - unless you got pared with Martha Stewart you would've hated prison life ..... you just know they are waiting for hte first teen age act of stupidity to happen here so they can trumpet it on the news stations - it is slow news time and I've not seen the required - Teens Out on Rampage story on the evening news yet ....

Dude I miss Kansas...out here it's always some act of murder hate crime drug dealing, child molesting...and thats just the are around Base, I can't stand to listen to the Bay Area news, Oakland alone will lead you to believe in the second coming.....and I'n not Christian:eek:


Active Member

Originally posted by broncofish
Dude I miss Kansas...out here it's always some act of murder hate crime drug dealing, child molesting...and thats just the are around Base, I can't stand to listen to the Bay Area news, Oakland alone will lead you to believe in the second coming.....and I'n not Christian:eek:

ahhh I have the news on now - big story involves a huge storm complex tomorrow and some parents leaving their 3 year old home alone - each thinking someone else was home .... that and the royals ...


Active Member
I'm very glad you're not dead.
Looking forward to hearing more about your soon to be 30 gallon tank ;)