Hey Kip

Hey Kip i have a 110 tank with a little gaint 4mdqx pump which turns over 1225. I have that hooked up to a SWCD which i know cuts down on the turn. i am waiting for Swcd to come out with the 1 inch SWCD in January. I dont have any powerheads to move water. I am wanting to make a closed loop not sure what type of pump i should get to do that? Im not sure if Mag is the best or should i go with a Iwaki or a velocity titanium waterpump? I want to get as high volume as i can because i plan on putting a motorized ball valve on there then a SWCD so i can have 4 points of water movement. What do you think? SHould i do the 4 points or should i just let it be with two on it plus the return ?
the only thing with the VEl titanium is that for the money you dont get much turnover? Thats the only thing i dont like about that.
Also have you had much luck keeping powder blues