I was cruisin', now I'm fixin' to be dozin'. I wanna know if your right, lamer people??
Wouldn't that then imply that the Cptn is lame if his co-workers are lamer. Nah, he wouldn't go there... He would say he's tired of working with lame people if that was the case. So I'm SURE that can't be it!!!
i say "lamer" as a noun, not a verb. in otherwords, my co-workers are such morons that it insults my intelligence that this company gives them the same job title as me. and sometimes it really irks me that people entrust the next 30 years of their biggest monthly obligation to them. i'm listening to one right now. i wanna punch him.
"well.......sir.....we're a really good company.......our rate is.....well what kinda rate do you want?"