HEY, let's talk politics!!


I dunno. I think he's cheating. :mad: He's always out til odd hours of the night, sometimes he never comes home. Ima dump his ass if I don't get a response.


Active Member
yeah, he'll have a ton of excuses where he was. He'll tell you how much he hearts you. I know the type. It better be a good one.............


Active Member
Purity, yer messin' it up man. What are you thinking? Kitty is so good to you, how could you throw it all away?
I don't like this one, because it dosn't look like it once you click on it

> :happy:
it looks just like the guy above the "evil"


I think we just need a whole bunch of new smilies.
We need to get rid of one of these: :jumping: :joy: because they are the same thing,
one of those,
:happy: THIS one, (creepy) EDIT: well, that was supposed the be the weird guy that's dancing or whatever
:scared: this one (creepy also)
and this guy's legs are also creepy
the rest can stay.
oh wait, this one:


if you use this tag: IMG SRC="http://www.whateverwebsite.com" you can put inline images in your post. Just add < before image, and > after the last "


i was at taco tuesday waiting for kitty while drawing blueprints of our dead pig head wedding on a napkin. so she's not there so i figured that maybe she'd show up if i got in a fight.
so i did.
so NOBODY showed up to help me.
i got hit in the head with a cueball. it hurt. then i come in this morning to see that kitty thinks i don't love her. yet who was abandoned? who?
k_ _ _ _-k
l_ _'s
and kitty bought a mouth on the executed face thanks to her R suggestion


i wasn't hittin on anyone. i was missing my kitty-k. look! she feels so guilty right now that she's not even replying!
*actually i got access to the tv remote @ the bar and got in several arguements cause i insisted that we watch crocodiles kick bison ass on the national geographic show instead of sports. sports suck. carnage rules!!*



Originally posted by Purity
*actually i got access to the tv remote @ the bar and got in several arguements cause i insisted that we watch crocodiles kick bison ass on the national geographic show instead of sports. sports suck. carnage rules!!*

HELL yeah! Okay, sorry Purity, there's still love.



Originally posted by lovethesea

I got no idea what you typed in there. You don't need the /img, there's no closing tag for the IMG SRC. Just a > after the URL.


it was cool cause the same people that were complaining were raising beers with me a half an hour later when the croc snagged the bison by the asscheek and dragged him back into the river.
those stupid bison!!
it's like...all the other bison knew when they were gettin creeped on. so they all start backing off. except for the 3 stupid ones that keep on drinking right outta the river.
so then we're shoutin, "DUDE ON THE LEFT!! HE'S DEAD. DEAD I TELL YOU!!!!"
course the stupid croc always picks the dude in the middle.
damn croc.