Hey Mr. Marine


I saw on my post about how much you have spent on your fish and you said that you spent 75 dollars on a Flame Angel....was that a misprint....cuz thats a lot of money for a Flame Angel......I think I gave 45 dollars for mine.
Get back to me when you can.


first of all..... my name is in a post title directed towards me! yaaaaaa it makes me feel special..lol just kidding!
Sorry, i should have elaborated, i DID pay $79 for my flame. the speed bump, its CANADIAN DOLLARS. Sorry! Note to everyone......if you ever ask prices for a poll or something im giving canadian dollars ( dont laugh!...lol) if i do a quck exchange, thats roughly,...$54.50 american. it will never work out perfect for the exchange because it cost more to ship the fish too. dont worry, to us the fish arent expensive at $79! caus we get payed more for doing the same jobs as you do but the money is not worth more....get it? it works out to about evene. you get payed less but prices of stuff is cheaper for the dollar. we get payed more but prices are higher!
hope that helps!
Mr.Marine :D :D

mr . salty

Active Member
I actually have seen them as high as 75 bucks in stores around here...One store even gets $140 for two inch purple tangs...
[ November 08, 2001: Message edited by: MR . SALTY ]


Good Lord!...thats a ton of money Mr. Salty......thats crazy about the Purple Tangs.....I have a store around here that seels perfectly healthy 3 and 4 inch Purple Tangs for like 80 bucks.
Sorry about the discrepancy of Canadian Dollars to American Dollars....I understand now....have a great time in the White North....LOL


white north????? how steryotipical. only 18 percent of the country is "the north" the rest is just like the states.....lol...no offense taken...knew it was a joke...lol.
hey did u know? a whole bunch of people are getting together from toronto,ontario ottawa, ontario and montreal quebec, to go down to NY to watch plays and spend money to show that we canadians care. i saw on my news tonight that in the states theyre plaing a commercial that has famous and not famous canadians saying "I LOVE AMERICA" and then at the end it says "brought to you by the governement of canada." i dont know hwere they are showing it in the states but just wondering if anyone has seen it?
Mr.Marine :D