Hey NM Reef


you mentioned in your post to beaslebob about your fuge.
The refugium is triple staged low flow gravity returned with lots of macro algaes.
Do you have a diagram or picture of your fuge? I would like to know what a triple staged low flow fuge looks like and how it runs.

nm reef

Active Member
Sorry but I don't have a decent pic available...I could get one easy enough I suppose. The refugium is set up as follows...
There are 3 seperate containers...each is a rubbermaid 40 gal...water from my return out of the sump feeds the first stage where there is primarily macro algaes and a DSB with a pair of hang on filters(mechanical) for circulation. This first stage is heavily stocked with a large assortment of macros. Water exits via 2 overflows into the second stage that contains a DSB...about 30-40 lbs of LR and rubble...and primarily razor/feather/grape caulepras...the third stage is only a DSB and a few sponges for pods...very little algaes of any kind and what algaes are grown are remoed on a regular basis. The final stage returns via gravity thru the wall and back to the display.Very basic but sort of gettho set-up...I did find a pic from last September...not real good but it gives a little of a visual.


what is the idea behind not having anything in the third container? It looks like this setup won't fit under my tank either.
btw, thanks for the pics!


NM reef you are the man.
When I have money I'd love a set up like yours. Didn't you have a website at one time? I lost the link....


Active Member
3- 40g's for a 55g... Sweet :cool: .
So when you upsize your display will you be upsizing your fuges?

nm reef

Active Member
Nope...no plans to increase the refugium size. When I replace the current display the sump/refugium will plug&play with the new display. Everything is routed through the wall...I simply plan to re-locate the 55 into the back room...set up the new display...cycle it...then hook the sump/refugium up to it...and gradually remove the life from the 55 to the new display. I have a working plan in place...and still considering options for the new display.
The third stage being free of algaes/rock is to prevent spores/algaes from reaching the display/ease of water changes/and allows easy access for placement of sponges that harbor pods and such(from time to time I'll remove a sponge and place it in my fish only to replenish depleted pods/worms etc.
Yup...I guess this would be a tight fit under about any stand...but thats the major plus of having a nice sized work shop directly behind your display. All I have under my display is plug ins for the PH's and timers for the lighting.