hey ray owners


Active Member
I hear ya. I just did a water change, and lef the bucket of saltwater on the carpet, and came back in from outside, and my dog drank ALL the saltwater. Do you have any fish in with your rays?


I have an epaullette shark with the rays. I had a custom tank made and installed it in the wall. I had it made to maximize the swimming area. Its 84X30X18, I think about 200 gallons.


Active Member
That rocks. I want to do that someday. When I have my own house. I am going to put an in the wall shark tank. You have any pictures?


I'll have to take some full tank shots a little later, but here's the shark and rays.


Active Member
awww... your rays are so cute. Those are good pix. Hey when you post more pix can I see the filtration? It always facinates me. Are your rays hand tamed? I know my cortez would eat out of my hand, hwever I don't feel the need to do that.


I'll post pictures of the tank and filtration tomorrow. I do feed mine right from my hand. They're kind of like my little wet dogs. They get very excited when they see "the hand"


Active Member
Haha, I know mine is so friendly, I just don't know how I feel about feeling her little plates on my hand... :thinking:

tony detroit

Active Member
Leopardbabe, take the glass covers off and go to homedepot and get some eggcrate pieces and cut them to fit in your tanks spots for glass lids. Ask your dad, brother, boyfriend, whatever, it takes 5 minutes to cut them and will prevent fish from jumping out, won't hinder light, costs like 10 bucks, and you won't have overheating issues or gaseous exchange issues either.


Ok Leopard babe here are the pictures I promised. Sorry about the dirty glass tomorrow is my maintenance day for that tank. The filtration is a cpr wet/dry and a south bay skimmer. The south bay is a euro reef clone that's less expensive, but is very similar in performance. Not the greatest pictures, but you get the idea.:D


Active Member
That is so cool. I love seeing the filtration. I am not crafty enough to create my own. Your tank is so cool. I would love and in the wall set up.
Oh yeah, Tony, I did that before. I did that on my 46. I never did that for my 180. However I put the glass back on the 46 when I was on vacation. I totally forgot about that. Thanks tony!!! I should go get that contraption out of the basement.
Thanks guys!!