Hey Reef Aquaris


You said that you have two blue spotted jawfish, and that they do a "mating dance". What exactly does that look like....I'm just really curious about that.

reef aquaria

New Member
The male turns white in the center part of his body when he wants to mate. He looks at the female, opens his mouth wide, then he shoots straight up out of his hole and hovers, then shoots back down to his burrow. When he sticks his head out again, the female slowly comes out of her burrow towards him, hovers then goes back into her hole. This goes on in the morning and again before sunset. Last week the female spent hours moving her burrow 1" closer to the male. Yesterday, the male connected the two burrows and poked her from underneath. She shot out of her hole and laid next to it, and gave him the big mouth. He went back to his hole, she went back in hers and a few minutes later he did it again. This went on for 10 - 15 minutes (I was watching and laughing the whole time) until she made a new burrow. They are so interesting to watch; they have quickly become our favorite fish.