hey rye... how about a tips thread?


Active Member
I was thinking it might be nice for a lot of us to have a thread to refer to with tips on taking good photos. I'm sure there are a lot of people like me: proud of their tank(s) and own a decent camera, but have a hard time getting that great photo.
Since every single picture you post is perfect in every way, maybe you could start a thread with some tips in it for taking good photos. Maybe even make it a sticky?
I know there is a lot of variation surround good photos because of all the different cameras out there, but there's got to be some common ground. For example, most of us know to use a tripod, no flash, and marco mode (if the camerra has it), but what about a starting point for shutter speeds and aperature settings? Tips on dealing with light, etc.?
If you (since you're the master) started the thread, then other people could add tips and tricks that work for them to get those really stellar shots. People should post what camera they are using, so if the thread got big enough, people could search for tips from people using the same camera as themselves.
Is this possible, or is it just way to huge a project?
I'm just frustrated because I can't seem to get good shots. I've got a decent camera and a nice tank, but I'm just not good enough yet with the camera to get good photos.


Active Member

Originally posted by jacksonpt
Is this possible, or is it just way to huge a project?

It most certainly is possible......as long as you stop buttering me up. :p
Give me a little time and I will put your good idea to good use. Thanks.


Active Member
Maybe it didn't help that I was up all night with a sick kid....
I wanted to put up a pic that you and Rye helped me with my macro mode on my camera. No secrect codes just computer idiot on board.:D Well here is Jimmy..... I hope
beautiful fish, that is a mandarin isn't it? If so which variety?
That is exactly the fish I am looking to get once I get my tank going for a while.


Active Member
Thanks! We love Jimmy. He is so peaceful. He doesn't seem to have a care in the world. Even when the other fish are buzzing by him, he just kind of hovers. I have been trying to get a better pic of him. He is a Pterosynchiropus splendidus a.k.a. Green mandarin. The funny thing is I think he shows off a bit when people look at the tank. Once your tank is established after a year or better and you have a decent amount of pods, you can probably get one. We have had him for about 1 1/2 years. There have been several threads on pod population in the last few days. Oh and they need lots of LR:D