Hey Rye


Active Member
Rye...got a question for you. For some reason I can only post links to my pics instead of actually posting the picture itself. I am able to post the actual pics over on -- but not here? This is odd b/c both of these boards use the same scripting, any pointers here?
see what I mean


Active Member
Yea I use them, like mentioned I can post pix fine on -- just not here for some reason.
Thanks though !
Did you mean to post that in link form, I guess I might not be the only one having some problems....nice pic BTW


Active Member
Must be a board thing, maybe our fearless leader in the forum will shed some light on this


Active Member
Fearless leader........hehe. :D
Looks like you guys figured it out. The img tags don't work in the photo forum.......but, they do work everywhere else.......it is to save bandwidth from all of the pics.......I don't like it.
I am planning to email administrator to see if anything can change..........way too many people complaining about it lately.....I am one of them.