hey sammy!


OK you guys talked me into it. I just signed up and am giving this a go. Just what I needed, something more to spend my time on..haha
Looks interesting enough though..


Whoa momma I'm being attacked by tomorrow by someone named Memn0n. Watch out for this guy.
13:14:12 - Jan 15 Attention !!! We have evidence of an incoming fleet around that time.
5 Destroyer
3 Cruiser
going to attack Alpha Phecda 4!
We suppose its the Fleet of Memn0n.
12:58:24 - Jan 15 Attention !!! We have evidence of an incoming fleet around that time.
4 Transports
15 Destroyer
5 Cruiser
going to attack Alpha Phecda 4!
We suppose its the Fleet of Memn0n.
12:38:50 - Jan 15 Attention !!! We have evidence of an incoming fleet around that time.
5 Destroyer
going to attack Alpha Phecda 4!
We suppose its the Fleet of Memn0n.
I'll let you all know how the battle went.
Thomas aka TBViper


Dzones - cool - what is yoru name on the boards??
Dzones is the name of my character fittingly enough.
I have not been on the forum in there yet.


Active Member
Arghh - there is some jack a$$ who is taking the entire system next to the one Sammy's brother and I are taking over. would love to swat him like a fly but I am not nearly powerful enough.
Very intriguing game!!!


I won my battle against the guy who was attackin me and i earned 6 Supply Units to boot :joy: ... I used one and of course could trade the others in for cash and share it with my friends..or I could just build up my own fleet. he he he....


Active Member
Are supply units, and trade agreements, artifacts, and money things that come with higher levels? I have not seen anything on how to accomplish these or acquire them yet.


If you win a battle and become a level 1 player so to speak then you get an SU (supply unit). this can be spent on building higher (for instance) RObotic building. Lets say it would take you 422 production units to go to the next level. If you had a SU or supply unit you could spend that 1 SU on an upgrade to the robotic building in one shot, and all you have to do is win a battle.
For instance. If you see a planet with a starbase of level 2. It would only take 3-5 destroyers to defeat it. You win. You have to guess as to if there are any other ships to defeat.
Don't know about the artifacts yet but scince I won the last battle I am level 8 and I see many more artifacts that can be purchased now in the trade screen. I think if you were to sell your SU then you get money for them and then in turn purchase an artifact that will give you 10%, 20%..etc toward production points, culture, something like that. Then I think you can sell the artifact later on. Not sure.
I still don't know what or how to do a trade agreement, but I think there is a fee of either 10,000 dollars or 10 dollars, they seem to have commas were the decimal point belongs but I'll bet its 10,000 clams.


Active Member
do you have to actually do anything to win a battle? Like decide to attack or defend . . . or does it just do it for you based on numbers?


You can sit back and wait for someone to attack you or you can seek and destroy. Use common sence though. If you are attacking a planet with a starbase - look to see what defensive value the starbase is, you will need a min amount of destroyers and or crusers and or battleships to defeat the starbase. The guesswork comes in when you don't know how many fighters he has on that planet as well. The defender adds his fighters to the combat value of the starbase as well. Sorry no deep space probes to tell you what he has hidden.
Personally I am out on a S&D right now. I sent all fighters out (44 destroyers and 6 crusers) from my second planet leaving it only a starbase for protection, then this guy starts to attack my first planet that I left my fighters on :nervous: wheew! He sent those three fleets against me, and he lost all, I lost about 16 destroyers out of 36 and I had 3 crusers on there as well as a level 10 starbase.
Attack anything with a 2 or 3 level starbase for some experience where you find that the player has abandend the game or been idle for a week.


Active Member
If i am being attacked or there is a fleet in my area does that mean i am basically frozen?
The same person attacked me esterday and they are going to attck me today. I have like 200 production points built up and i cannot use them at all :(
what does this mean?


Click on map and look at your system, you name appears on the number planet. If that bar that goes across is red then you are under siege and can not use the pp. This might also mean that he has transports on the way to reduce your population down to zero whereby he will take over your planet, and your pp.
or your clicking the wrong thing.
You should have recieved messages in advance that fleets are on the way, thats when you bump up your fleet or starbase or both.


Active Member

Originally posted by overanalyzer
Arghh - there is some jack a$$ who is taking the entire system next to the one Sammy's brother and I are taking over !!

hahahahehehe! He was saying the same thing when he was over here earlier. He was nervous one of the "big boys" had a huge fleet cruising through the newbie sector demolishing everything in it's path. :eek: :D :help: :D
Thomas712, How are you doing point wise, and level wise? I am in the RTFM alliance, and I can get you in if you want, and you don't have other plans. A guy I was fighting with in my system ended up being an allie, and now we are together in an officaial alliance. Perhaps we can get a SWF alliance going next round??
I am learning the ropes this round, and I started 15 days after the round was started. Next round I will be scary bad%$#, those who are playing know what 15 days can do.....the guys that started Dec 15, on day 1, have fleets that could crush all five of my planets and not even feel it.:eek:


TBViper - profile aka Thomas712
Local Time 13:32
Logins 86
Idle 8 minutes
Playerlevel 8 - 58%
Sciencelevel 15
Culturelevel 4
Rank (Points Scored) #1669 (124)
Plays from USA
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Joined December 31
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Come on Griddog I know you can look this suff up in the game. Don't I have to pay a 10,000 fee for alliance?
I am in current battle in the starsystem next to mine, some guy has some other free planets sieged in and I'm busting them out with a fleet of 6 crusers and 46 destroyers.
Sammy if nothing else cant we set up a trade agreement? Im not sure how that all works yet but if it would be benifical we could do that.


:happy: sure just move back up the posts and click on the link that I or SAMMY provided.


Active Member

Originally posted by aarone
I just got back into it today

What is your planet and what is your name?? I have several planets under siege and I would not be suprised if you were one of them ....
Sammy - Yeah I bowed out gracefully but I took out a ton of his fleet with my star bases and destroyers I had in orbit. I also took out an entire small fleet of his around a planet. I am bowing out of hte system and giving it away to him .... for now. My goal is to float some battleships up his way .....
I don't mind being taken over but the dude is a tactless a-hole in his PM's and is a dominantion type .... which I think this game is all about. But from what I read you just can't get to the goal if you are all alone!
Here are my stats:
Local Time 16:49
Logins 44
Idle 15 minutes
Playerlevel 1 - 45%
Sciencelevel 11
Culturelevel 2
Rank (Points Scored) #2355 (62)
Plays from
Origin x:y(60/14)
Joined January 8