hey shark owners


What other types of fish do you have in your tank with your shark? Please provide pictures if possible.
Thanks in advance!


Active Member
I have 2 Bamboo sharks, 2 Cali rays, a Zebra moray and a Volitain Lion. Pics wont be available until the end of the month. They STILL havent come to install the DSL yet. I have to post from work.


I have 2 cortez rays, a baby brownbanded catshark hatched about 2 months ago, a small white spotted bamboo, a spotted hawkfish, and last but biggest would be a beautiful strawberry grouper who eats everything he can fit into his mouth. I just got a digital camera so I will try the pic thing soon.


Active Member

Originally posted by tony detroit
Niger trigger. No problems with him as of yet.

Yeah I keep my fingers crossed for you Tony. I doubt the niger will mess with the smoothound much, but I would really hate to see your ray lose his/her eyes. Thats just too nice of a ray. How big is the niger now?