HEY slothy



You are into puters right? I have a question about dual monitors. .......can I email you?


Hey.......I was going tell you you something, but it doesn't matter I guess.............I'll just ask here. The trouble is I have a 21 inch monitor and a 15 inch. I run both, but the 15 inch ended up some how as default. Of course I don't want this. The 15 is really just there to display the web cam pic outside my front door so I know who is there, but it ended up as default. I don't have a two port card, the 21 inch ran off a geforce 4 one connection, so I bought a sis PCI card to run the second monitor. I really don't want anything to open on the top monitor, which if it matters is also spliced into a third monitor in the bedroom, which is a clone of the 15 inch in the pic. Basically...why did the PCI card running the 15 inch take the stage as default, and how can I change that? I have dragged and dropped the taskbar, icons, etc, but somethings still open on the little top monitor since it is default. Any thoughts?


OH yeah.....it is also causing some issues such as in the photo......the Photo deluxe I used to edit the photo seen for size is shown. It is maximized, but doesn't cover the screen???:confused: When I went to unplug the camera, the dialog came out on the top screen even though I had previously dragged it to the 21 inch??? I set both cards software to remember where program were, but it doesn't seem to matter........I really need the 21 inch to be the default monitor. thanks for any thoughts.


Active Member
try going into bios and seeing if there is a default video (will say agp/pci) usally default is pci, so that would make your sis card the primary.. and change it to agp


The drivers are updated, but get this......this is my first time trying to get into setup since adding the second and third monitor, and it doesn't let me. There is no "hit x to enter setup" or anything..............:confused: :confused: :confused: I tried delete and f10 etc, and still nothing......man......I'm getting frustrated. Is there a windows route to bios setup I don't know about, or will I need to uninstall all the monitors/cards and put it back to normal first, then run setup.....thanks for the time slothy. Anyone else can answer also, and it will be appreciated greatly, thanks.:)


Try right clicking on the desktop anywhere there isnt an icon and then choosing properties. From there you should see two monitors on the box. Click and drag the one on the right to the left to switch places and see what happens.