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nitro dave...I have a 200 gall fowlr and inverts. right now I have a 5-6" naso tang, a 4" hippo, and three yellows ranging from 2.5 - 3.5". They seem to be doing fine and have been in the tank now over 6 months...the yellow tangs about 8-10 months. I had a clown tang in the past (3 years ago and also an achilles around that time. neither survived...but at that time I had alot of other variables messed up. I've read that clowns depend alot on microalgae for their diet. Though I fed everyone alot of algae and put phyto in the tank, the clown eventually died, I beleive of got thin and died...the achilles got ich bad and did not recover despite qt in hypo etc. and despite the fact that the other fish in the tank did not get I didn't try either one again...but I am attempted to try an achilles again...right now, I'm maxed out and will not introduce anything new