Hey Tim!!


I'm setting up my 90 gal. and I odered a pro-clear mud sump. I was going to fill the refuge with cheato, replace the built-in skimmer with a super skimmer 125, keep the bioballs and use a crp return that was rated for the wet/dry ( mag 7 return ). Do you think it'll work ok?


Active Member
you might want to re think the bioballs or if you like them put ball valves on your overflow plumbing so you can pull the whole system down to clean it every month.... if your going to have a large refuge the bioballs arent neccessarily needed. One goal of reefkeeping is to try and creat an environment that is maintenance minimal and the interaction between aquarium and you is minimal......I always shoot for a large refuge to replenish some nutrients less water changes to replenish these also... the opnly interaction i hope for is occasional water changes and skimmer cup emptying...and trimming back the fuge....
rem...minimalistic interaction....


Thanks coach, I was think about the bioballs thing. I've heard they are bad but I've heard that if you do clean them once a month they work very well. I'm not sure? I do plan to have a good amount of cheato in my fuge, I just order more and I'm going to take the cheato I have in my hob refuge and add it with it. I also was thinking of putting some "12 lbs." kent bio-sediment in the fuge. Do you think I should put lr in it also? Thanks for the help.


Active Member
I agree with coach! Can't really say w/o knowing what the OF/drain size is as well as head pressure for the return pump. How many gallons will be flowing through the sump/fuge?
What are the "goals" of the tank? How much turnover?
For a 90 gal 10x you need 900 gph through the sump and suppliment the rest with PH's or CL system. Mag 7 w/head max is probably only gonna get you 500-550. So the rest will have to suppliment. But don't be fooled that getting a larger return pump will get you more flow, well it will but you may outrun the sump and have mirco-bubble problems.
Got pics?


I'm waiting for the sump and all of that stuff to come in. I was going to use 2 maxi 1200 in the tank to get the water movement in it, and I got the cpr with the 300 gph continous siphon. I'm not sure about the size of the drain it (pet solutions) said it would all fit.


Active Member
mag 5 --- your looking at getting 499gph into the tank with a 1" return line at 4 feet so your 300 gph loss isnt matching it.. uhhh... but with 2 90deg elbows over the tank your looking perfect at 299 gph return... and that just through your sump...
900 - 300 = 600 supplimentary gph flow
you could do a closed loop
or powerheads...
295+295= 590
590 + 300 = 890

ohh use some hydroflo devices to mix up the flow direction..


I've got the mag 7 coming in today. I have the two maxi-jet powerheads that I'm planning on putting in the tank for the extra flow. I really don't know much about the closed loop system. :notsure:


Active Member
hang with us we'll work ya through it it's pretty simple...
if your 300 overflow you might want to use the mag 5 as a return ... mag 7 closed loop would work great..


Active Member
Lets see what size the sump is. What do you think coach, isn't 300 gph a little lite for a 90? Just think its a little short for that skimmer fed......


Active Member
waaayyyy light but if thats all he's got..... i'd go with a duel 1" overflow and a mag 9.5 return but .... thats me...
he could use the mag 5 as a return and then do the over the top tank closed loop with the mag 7....
with the low flow through fuge you get more time for nutrient export/import but no flow...


Active Member
Yup, but I'm concerned that its gonna take a long time for that skimmer to get through the tank. Know what I mean? But I'm not sure what size pump those SS have. I hear what you saying about the fuge but, still even a 600 gph with the mag 7 would be better and I don't think that the sump will handle a 9.5? Then go with the OTT CL with the 9.5. That would bring it in the ballpark of 1300-1500 gph total which I think would be much more livable......


Ok guys what else do I need to get then? Oh yeah, I was looking at all old stuff the guy I got tank from gave me and there's a uv stre, rio 400, and other overflow box I forgot about. The overflow says Quietflo on it and it has some flex hose with it.


Active Member

Originally Posted by kronnk7
Ok guys what else do I need to get then? Oh yeah, I was looking at all old stuff the guy I got tank from gave me and there's a
uv stre, what watt? bulbs might be bad

rio 400--nother powerhead

, and other overflow box --what size

I forgot about. The overflow says Quietflo on it and it has some flex hose with it.
there ya go..


Active Member
you wont really need the uv but nice to have for qt tank...
if you can tell the diameter of the hole/holes wede be set... is the hole tthe samdesize as the other one?


I looked on the site I got the new overflow from and it doesn't say what size the hose will be, but it should be here soon. Like I siad the old hose is a 5/8. If you give me your email I can email you the page.


Active Member
you might end up using both of those overflows for a better flow rate..... once we determine the size of the drains in the overflows....
not to worried about the hose..