Hey Tim!!


Tell ya the truth I really don't think so. All it does is filter out some bubbles that come back through, I'll try taking it off after I get it started and see if I really need it. Hows the 135 coming?


Active Member
well ive gotton the holes drilled and bulkheads in 1.5" my sumps been drilled at 1" , I'm now just putting the plumping together... I'll do most of it after the move to montana but for now its almost done..
I've got the stand done except the doors and trim (after the move) I think It's to high right now so i'll have to take off the legs... hmmm
I havent even started my quentine tank. ....


Sounds like yo have your hands full.
Could you tell me again what the hole in the u tube is for? And again man, THANKS A LOT!!!


Active Member
the hole in the u-tube return line is an anti siphon hole once your power goes out the return line drains back into the sump....creating a siphon....water will continue top drain until the water line of main display drops below that hole . you will also have to test this...( it will be marked on your sump as high line.)
(where your sump equels out with normal water flow will be your low line.)
dont worry about this yet....
...once you get the sand/cheato in the fuge and a couple small rocks... start filling it up 1/3 way /just above the return pump...


Coach, I'm just about ready. I have one more jug of water to put in the tank and it will be full. I already have the sump ready, cheato and 2 pieces of live rock and about a third full with water. I have some kent bio-sediment coming to put in as "sand" but it's on back order. So what do I do when I get the last jug in the tank?


Active Member
well your overflow box should be full (in tank side) to start a siphon in the overflow box i used airline tubing to suck out the air.... or you could fill the u tube with water use your hands to hold it in while you flip th utube back in place... once you see the water flowing steadily into the sump you can start your return pump.... the siphon is a toughy


I know I have to be patience but I can't wait to get my tank up and running. I have a 55 and 10 that are going to be tranfered into the 90. In about a month I was thinking of getting a powder blue tang. I've wanted one since I started getting into saltwater.
I guessed that in about 2 weeks I would start tranfering everthing. I'm going to transfer all 70 pounds of my LR into the 90 in about a week. I'll let the tank settle first. Do you think that would be ok? :notsure:



Well, I've got it up and running!!!!

The plumbing is working great. The water still looks like crap, sand and salt ya know. But the sump and evrything is running that's what matters. Thanks again man I would have had alot of trouble without your help. I'll post some pics to let you see how it looks. And I'll try the skimmerwithout the box too and let you know.
Thanks, Ronnie


Active Member
alright make sure there are no leaks...
i'm proud of you... good job
how much room is there until you get to the top of the sump. from the water line?
at least 4 inches? because today your going to have a power outage.........
for future reassurences....of course..


Damn you're good, 4 1/2" to the top. I just double checked all the lines and there are no leaks. The water is still cloudy because of the sand.


Active Member
well here's the last part before you sit back and wait....
your going to pull the plug on your return pump... BE prepared for the worst in this case bring towels...
what should happen is your water that is in the water lines (both return and drain) will go into the sump.. so we need to make sure if the power goes out that your tank does not continue to empty onto your floor...
you are going to have to restart your siphon after this test also..
your display tank will empty until that siphon hole on the return line is reached or till no water can come over the teeth of the overflow box. ( thats why I keep mine just low enough to continue the siphon in u-tube.(this can be adjusted)
if you understand the dynamics of backflow ^ you can pull the plug
be prepared to pull out your u-tube siphon and plug the return back in and. if the sump comes within an inch on overflowing
the cause of this occuring.. is that your in tank side overflow box is too low.


It works!!! :hilarious
I also have my skimmer up and running to help with the cloudy water. I'll have to readjust the OF after I put my LR in. Thanks coach you've been a life saver.

I'll post some pics when the tank clears and I get my rock in.


Yes, that's what I was saying worked. It emptied the lines into the sump without over flowing it.It got close but didn't. I have the OF teeth just under the water line. The mag 7 only has about 1" of water over it is that ok?


Active Member
does it (normal running )only have one nch of water? because if it does it is a problem....
evaporation will suck it dry in no time.... add a gallon a water see where the line is then .
you dont want evaporation to run bubbles in your tank.. in my 90 i had 1 gallon a day eveaporation.


The pump doesn't have alot of water over it, but the water has stayed well above ( about an inch or two ) the pump so far. How could I fix it? Or will it be ok if I keep an eye on it? The skimmer will need the box :mad: because it's the bubble defuser. I'll add the gallon of water and see.


I just play around with it again to try to get some slack and it's not happen. The pump isn't runnig dry but it doesn't have much coverage. It's still cloud due to the sand but I think it's sweat.
If you don't mind the cloudiness I'll post a few pics.