HEY time to review skimmers.....


New Member
I have a via aqua .works great the best i tryed for the buck. skims up to 150 gal for only 100 bucks


Active Member
I use the Aqua C Remora also. What an awesome skimmer. They say that you have to give it time to break in, but mine worked on day one. I was replacing a SeaClone (which I did not like)
I am amazed how efficient it works, really smelley stuff!


Sorry to cut into your thread, but since we are discussing skimmers—Does anyone have an opinion on or experience with a Backpack 2R? I'm considering buying an HOB refugium with one built in. I presently have a Seaclone. Would the backpack be better?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cora
Sorry to cut into your thread, but since we are discussing skimmers—Does anyone have an opinion on or experience with a Backpack 2R? I'm considering buying an HOB refugium with one built in. I presently have a Seaclone. Would the backpack be better?

i personaly do not like the bakpaks at all. but they will surly be alot better then the seaclone


Coralife super skimmer.
Works awesome with little dialing-in. I did a mod on mine anway, as I would wth any skimmer with small collection cups.
I drilled a 1/4 inch dia. hole near the top of the collection cup, and ran large dia. airline tubing down into a 5 gal bucket.
Too many close calls with collection cup almost overflowing, and I am not home sometimes until later at night.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Skimmer Brand Ratings
well i know i can surf the internet and find ratings, but before i made my choice i wanted personal oppinionms from the people i have know for years. Just to make make my choice solid.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gold Strip
I've got an MRC2 on my 180 and love it.
Hey GoldStrip how bad is the maintenance on the becketts? Does it take a bit to adjust and get them dialed in?

gold strip

Not bad at all. There is always the chance that I just got lucky but mine works great with very little maintenance. I keep the cup and chamber clean weekly (10 minute job) and I disassemble and clean the rest of the skimmer about every 8 to 10 weeks and it only takes a few hours with a couple small adjustments until its dialed in again.


Is a .......red sea berlin protein skimmer ........a good skimmer


Active Member
Originally Posted by sand125
Is a .......red sea berlin protein skimmer ........a good skimmer

there is a longer answer to this but IMO NO.
same money or alittle bit more can be spent for a better skimmer


Originally Posted by oceana
there is a longer answer to this but IMO NO.
same money or alittle bit more can be spent for a better skimmer

what is a better skimmer


Active Member
Out of all the skimmers listed the Aqua C and the Euro Reef and ASM are the top performers by far......EuroReefs are nice, but honestly the money they fetch for what???? Expensive acrylic, that doesn't make it perform any better than the ASM....... :hilarious , and all that money you spend on the Euro, guess what????? Their customer service is 2nd to all it's very poor for the price they are asking......If your going to spend the money on a EuroReef skimmer do yourself a favor and buy a real skimmer like a Deltec or better yet a Bubble King......If your looking for a good skimmer like EuroReef with good service and at a reasonable price ASM is the ticket.......Aqua C would be my next choice.


Originally Posted by acrylic51
Out of all the skimmers listed the Aqua C and the Euro Reef and ASM are the top performers by far......EuroReefs are nice, but honestly the money they fetch for what???? Expensive acrylic, that doesn't make it perform any better than the ASM....... :hilarious , and all that money you spend on the Euro, guess what????? Their customer service is 2nd to all it's very poor for the price they are asking......If your going to spend the money on a EuroReef skimmer do yourself a favor and buy a real skimmer like a Deltec or better yet a Bubble King......If your looking for a good skimmer like EuroReef with good service and at a reasonable price ASM is the ticket.......Aqua C would be my next choice.

why are u going with a Aqua C and not a ASM


Active Member
ok so far the best skimmers voted. . .
best bang for your buck--coralife superskimmer
best overal under 300$ is aqua c remora.
cool all others seen nice. but these were majority