Hey u crab owners.....


I love crabs, they are the coolest to watch move around. What kind can I have all living in harmony with each other? I have a 80 gallon tank and i want some that get big, not hermits though!...
Pics? im a visual learner

chef jaysen

Red crabs are a nice colored crab to get. Eat algae and junk. Also like emerald crabs. Dont have a pic of one but they eat alot of algae.


Emeralds and porcelin crabs in my tank. As well as scarlet hermits.


I always liked to watch my blue legs skitter around for scraps when i fed my fish, I also had a couple emralds, some scarlets, and what i found out is a red hawaiian (acc to LFS) that was really cool I never had a problem with any of them and my reef, however, i have heard mixed results on the blue legs
I have a sally twoo and their great they shed as they grow... the little red fidler crab suck they are slow but colorful...
sally will eat anything that dont belong there good on corals do... fish that hang around the grownd like blennies, gobies and others will get eaten good luck on your crab selection. I like them too but all I can say is about the sally crab cause is the only one I got left GOOD LUCK :D

chef jaysen

One bad thing about stone crabs...........They are ILLEGAL to own. Just thought you should know........Good to eat though. What they do is pull off one claw and throw the crab back in. Then they boil and flash freeze right there on the boat. And only in season for 6 months a year. Just fyi............cheers


Active Member

Originally posted by chef jaysen
One bad thing about stone crabs...........They are ILLEGAL to own.

I won't tell if you don't. :rolleyes: They look really cool, but I don't really have a spare tank to devote to one of the fellas, plus that little detail involving the law. Nice pic though.


I have 4 emeralds, 3 sally's, 2 Strawberry which I rarely see and 25-35 red and blue legged hermits. All get along fine in my 125.


Hi , I have a sally, 4 emeralds, and 2 porcelain crabs and they all get along great. I pulled aout evrey hermit ( i think ) they just killed snails and bothered my corals. HTH


Active Member
Arrow crabs are kind of intersting looking. I've never kept one so I don't have much knowledge/experience with them. I've seen rather large ones at my LFS - about the size of a baseball.


Porceline, Red, Emerald Crab.
They get along great.
The Emerald comes out at night and sometimes during the day.
The Porceline you can see filter feeding.
The Red Crab stays hide, I never see him. I might get a glimpse of him thru the LR. Red is very shy.
I had had the three crabs for about 4 months.
I love them!!!


New Member
chef jaysen, can you post some more pics of your tank, that black sand bed looks very nice and I would love to see some more pics.
Redcorsair, it's a fiddler crab, they come in blue also.


Regular scarlet and blue-leg hermits(blues slightly more aggressive),Sally lightfoot and emeralds will all do fine.I don't recommend Arrows.