Hey, where did you come from?


New Member
So I have had my tank cycling for only about five days, and I have begun to see growth from nowhere. Is this good, bad, common, rare? Does it mean I am ready to introduce some store bought species? My ammonia, nitrate, nitrite are all at 0. Hey if I'm ust jumping the gun here someone cool me off lol
So far I have found, a colony of about 20 Green Star polyps, one red mushroom, and about 3 colts. All fairly small of course but free and growing daily =)
Thanx in advance

obx fish

It's very exciting starting a new tank. Ours is only about 2 months old now. It's really cool when you start to see things come to life. But...You MUST be PATIENT! You should see your levels start to rise...after this happens then they go back down then you can add stuff from the store. You can however add a couple damsels to help the process along even faster! Good Luck!


Active Member
OBX is right, your tank will start to cycle, and such, and you should wait a couple of months, at the least, before adding any new fish, and only add 2-3 at a time for larger tanks, and I'd say 1, and maybe 2 after time, in a 29 gallon. Make sure you take your time, as patience is the most important thing in this hobby. HTH

nm reef

Active Member
Sounds like a good healthy 30 lbs of LR...but after 5 days I'd say enjoy the new life...but be patient and let the cycle complete and the system become stable before rushing into new additions.Where did you get the LR from...with that kind of growth so soon it sounds like well cured LR.... :cool:


The tank isn't old enough to have begun to cycle. It shouldn't hit the big rise and fall of normal cycling with the live rock and sand, but there will be some.
Nitrates are the end result of the cycle, so until you see at least some reading from them, your tank hasn't cycled.
Take the advice - be patient. It's cheaper and more fun down the road.