We have five LFS that sell saltwater in this area ?
Ron's saltwaterheaven (Ron)
Saltbox (Judy)
Animal Speciality
Pet's N You (Jermy)
Pet City (Charlie and Mike)
Ron's place is the one that is diducated just in saltwater and people from all over drive to here to come and see his systems and specially his 715 display tank. Less than two miles from me.
Saltbox is a small nice shop in Judy's (owner's, nice lady) house or is a garage outside the house and you have to check her shop hours before driving down since she is not open all the time. She sells just saltwaterfish, equipment and corals. Is about 25 miles from me.
Pet's N You sells all kinds of pet supplies and they sell fresh water fish, cats, dogs, lizard, biirds and saltwater. Is about 3 miles from my house and nice people work there.
Animal Specialty sell saltwater fish, fresh water fish, birds and lizard and Bob and Noadin (his wife) are very nice people and they have grooming business there too. Noadin is a champion dog breeder and her dogs are top champions. About 2 miles from me. (now if you know where Ron and this place is then you should be able to tell where I live. I live between them.
Pet City (they have three branches)Williamsport branch is new and they just started sitting up saltwater systems. They sell the same stuff that Pet's N You sell. They are about 6-8 miles from me and the owner and his kids who work with him from one store to other are super people.