hi again and help


New Member
Hi all, im not new to this site it has just been awhile. I am not new to saltwater fish keeping either but I now have a 24 gallon aquapod and I want to start getting some soft corals for it but wow they are expensive.My tank has been running for about 2 years and I have about 20 #'s of live rock and a clown fish and a yellow tail damsel.
***Sorry there is no trading or selling allowed on SWF.com***


New Member
Yes I see that they have taken out trading and selling stuff. I may be wrong but when I would frequent the site about 10 years ago it seems that it was there then. Oh well your right rainbow I may have to order online and I have ordered here before years ago and was overall pleased but had bad luck with the mushrooms I received...lasted 3 days.
Thanks for the reply!