hi great pics on the clown trigger but does anyone know where to get a titan trigger


Queen triggers are arguably the most aggressive of the triggers.
Ounce for ounce, the undulated is probably more aggressive per se, but it also doesn't grow to near the size.
We live in Florida and Queens (is it the name? Queen Angels seem to like a knock down, drag out too!!**grin**) have been known to take a chunk out of scuba divers, just on general principle.......flippers are the most common target, but they have no problem biting through a wet suit and I know of at least one diver with a large piece of his ear missing.
For those who like aggressive fish, I've attached a pic of one of our temporary "catch and release" specimens......as a hint, his name is "Barry Cuda" **grin**.


there was a titan at my lfs that was returned because it was too aggressive. its 35 dollars right now. i dont know if it is still there but i could get more info if anyone wants me to.


This is an old one, but... do they ever call titan triggers pjneapple triggers? Cuz i swear my lfs was selling one that looks just like a titan and it was labeled as a pineapple trigger, for $28.99. I dont WANT one, but does anyone know if they are ever called that?


where did you get your cross hatch? I can't find them for less then a couple hundred. Are they aggressive??? compared to like a niger or huma.. I see them when i dive in hawaii(i think they are crosshatch) and they are well over a foot. Beautiful and i wanted to get one. Thanks for the info!!


This thread is over a year old, so i dont know if the original guys will be answering. But a 5 foot trigger fish? Thats enormous, lol.


New Member
There are lots of online pet stores that carry Crosshatch triggerfish. Most are in the $150 to $350 range. The reason they are so costly is because of the dept the collectors have to go to obtain them as well as the location. The Hawaiian species it alot more intense in color then the mexican counter part. However both are beautiful fish. Here is a couple of places that should have some available. http://www.marineaquatics.net. http://www.themarinecenter.com. Tom at marine aquatics always has outstanding species and is reseaonable for the species. Randy at the marine center also gets alot of different species. Check out both of those sites. It may cost a little more then what you might be willing to spend but they are well worth it. The crosshatch is not only a beautiful species but it is also extremely hardy and not that aggressive toward other tank mates. I currently have two in my 360 gal tank. I have had one now for about 4 1/2 years the other 1 1/2 years. Both are doing excellent.
Good Luck,


thank you for the response. Do they eat, or nip ay any fish? I was going to put one in with a large volitan. I have had a niger that didn't nip, but the crosshatches are just beautiful, and when i saw them 18+ inches in hawaii i have to get one! :)